Classes for men in your area


Super Moderator

(Due to the complexity and difficulty level, each course will accept a
maximum of 8 participants.)

How To Fill The Ice Cube Tray
Step By Step, With Slide Presentation

Toilet Paper: Does It Grow On The Holder?
Round Table Discussion

Is It Possible To Urinate By Lifting The Seat And Avoid
Splashing The Floor, Walls And Nearby Bathtub?
Group Practice

Fundamental Differences Between The Laundry Hamper And The Floor
Pictures And Explanatory Graphics

Dishes And Silverware: Can They Levitate And Fly Into The Sink?
Examples On Video

Identity Crisis: Losing The Remote To Your Significant Other
Helpline And Support Groups

Learning How To Find Things
Looking In The Right Place Instead Of Turning
The House Upside Down While Screaming

Health Watch: Bringing Her Flowers Is Not Harmful To Your Health
Graphics And Audio Tape

Learning About Life: Basic Differences Between Mother and Wife
Online Class And Role Playing

How To Be The Ideal Shopping Companion
Exercises, Meditation And Breathing Techniques

How To Fight Cerebral Atrophy: Remembering Birthdays, Anniversaries,
Other Important Dates, And Calling When You're Going To Be Late

Real Men Ask For Directions When Lost
Real Life Testimonials
(may be cancelled due to unavailability of testimonials)

Is It Genetically Impossible To Sit Quietly As She Parallel Parks?
Driving Simulation!

How to Overcome Your Addictions: More to life than Sports, Cars and Powertools Guess Speaker Tim Allen

:lol: :lol: OMG You have me cracking up today while I'm at lunch. These are FANTASTIC! :LOL:

BTW, these could be given to some women too (like myself). I'm as bad about a few of these things as Men are! Love these especially:

Posted: Apr 21, 2004 - 09:51 AM


How To Fill The Ice Cube Tray <Yep, I need this class!>Step By Step, With Slide Presentation

Learning How To Find Things <Umm, check me for this one too. I've been known to throw some horrific fits when I lose things>
Looking In The Right Place Instead Of Turning
The House Upside Down While Screaming

How To Be The Ideal Shopping Companion <LOL MY ex needed this one>
Exercises, Meditation And Breathing Techniques

Great stuff!

Real Men Ask For Directions When Lost
Real Life Testimonials
(may be cancelled due to unavailability of testimonials)

Apparently I've never met a real man.... :roll:
I always ask for directions: "Which way to the Sports bar", or "How do I get to Harbor Freight?"

Johnny, quit giving away all of our secrets!!!! Hahahahhaa

ask for directions? why? its always JUST around the next curve.. or very close
Hey I though it was Funny, and remarkably true.

How To Fill The Ice Cube Tray
Step By Step, With Slide Presentation
jps4jeep's response~ got ice maker

Toilet Paper: Does It Grow On The Holder?
Round Table Discussion
jps4jeep's response~ Ya, gotta fix the holder

Is It Possible To Urinate By Lifting The Seat And Avoid
Splashing The Floor, Walls And Nearby Bathtub?
Group Practice
jps4jeep's response~ NO

Fundamental Differences Between The Laundry Hamper And The Floor
Pictures And Explanatory Graphics
jps4jeep's response~ I need more pictures

Dishes And Silverware: Can They Levitate And Fly Into The Sink?
Examples On Video
jps4jeep's response~ But if I don't leave them on the table, what will you clean?

Identity Crisis: Losing The Remote To Your Significant Other
Helpline And Support Groups
jps4jeep's response~ NEVER, if so, all is lost for men :cry:

Learning How To Find Things
Looking In The Right Place Instead Of Turning
The House Upside Down While Screaming
jps4jeep's response~ I am accually good at this.

Health Watch: Bringing Her Flowers Is Not Harmful To Your Health
Graphics And Audio Tape
jps4jeep's response~ I swear I am allergic :!:

Learning About Life: Basic Differences Between Mother and Wife
Online Class And Role Playing
jps4jeep's response~ I am confused, they both clean up after me :?:

How To Be The Ideal Shopping Companion
Exercises, Meditation And Breathing Techniques
jps4jeep's response~ Only at a sporting goods store, and I will never hold your purse!!!

How To Fight Cerebral Atrophy: Remembering Birthdays, Anniversaries,
Other Important Dates, And Calling When You're Going To Be Late
jps4jeep's response~ Ya, I am getting a paml pilot for this :lol:

Real Men Ask For Directions When Lost
Real Life Testimonials
(may be cancelled due to unavailability of testimonials)
jps4jeep's response~ I know where this one will be going (out the window) and didn't need directions for that!!

Is It Genetically Impossible To Sit Quietly As She Parallel Parks?
Driving Simulation!
jps4jeep's response~ I usually get out of the car for this, can't stand the carnage.

How to Overcome Your Addictions: More to life than Sports, Cars and Powertools Guess Speaker Tim Allen
jps4jeep's response~ a Man amoung Men!!

jps4jeep said:
Learning How To Find Things
Looking In The Right Place Instead Of Turning
The House Upside Down While Screaming
jps4jeep's response~ I am accually good at this.

Except in the garage when we need to find tools

What they are all right there on the floor for easy finding! No drawers to open, doesn't get easier than that!

I need help remembering to put a new roll of tp on the little spinny thingy. :D