Clutch Again?

Aces Red 13

New member
I've just took the poor Jeep on a Ride that was a little above it's head.... Well at least it was over the hood. I went on some new trails today and ended up in some pretty heavy stuff ( Mostly Just Deep Mud ) She played nice and took me wherever I needed to go But on the way home the Clutch started so engage slower and slower. I got it home and hosed her out to get out any gunk and let it dry.However, it's still slow to engage in gear. I just changed the clutch a few months ago and this is our first trip off road since. SURELY It's not gone again. Any suggestions would help.

howdy. check your trans oil. if you were in deep mud maybe you picked up some water through a breather or there is also a vent on the shifter if its a manual that could pick up some water also.
cougarlasch said:
........if its a manual that could pick up some water also.

I'm guessin' that since he recently replaced the clutch, that it's a manual!!:rolleyes: :lol: :lol: :lol:

So, when you replaced the clutch, did you just replace the disc?? Pressure plate, too? What do you mean by engaging slowly? Slipping?? Has it been fine before this outing??

So many questions, so little time!!:lol: :lol: :lol:
You might have got mud into the clutch and when disenguaging/enguaging you might have glazed it. Machining it might help.

It's easy to burn a clutch in heavy mud, simply because you often have to feather it more to keep from killing the engine. That combined with the mud possibly getting into the clutch housing as well as the heat concentrated around the clutch by the lack of ventilation because of the close proximity of the mud is often a fatal combination for a clutch.
I just blew the clutch out of my yj last week after i went wheeling, 2 of the springs broke loose and got jammed between the clutch disk and the pressure plate, my clutch was fairly new also, it only had maybe 2-3 thousand miles on it, but i cheaped out last time i changed it and bought a rebuilt so i wasnt really all that surprised when i pulled the motor and saw what had happened.