clutch replacement


New member

has anyone replaced a clutch on a TJ, manual transmission? if so, can you tell me if this is a simple bolt off/bolt on deal or if it's pretty involved. was out driving today and clutch went out!! :-x

edited by: ptanner, Mar 31, 2003 - 04:16 AM[addsig]


Well it generally is a bolt off/bolt on deal...cept there are quite a few bolts. I would check the clutch master and slave cylinder first before you do anything else.

Once you know for SURE that its the clutch disk then you have your work cut out for ya. You will need to remove the transmission/transfer case to replace the clutch disk. Once those are out of the way you can carefully unbolt the pressure plate from the flywheel. The disk will then be free.

Be sure to have your flywheel resurfaced or replaced if its grooved badly and also check the input bearing (you should probably replace it while you are in there) Check the throwout bearing and clutch arm...if the bearing is grooved or makes noise when you spin it it should be replaced. Most clutch kits come with the clutch disk and pressure plate as well as an alignment tool to make sure the disk is on straight.

Granted you can save a lot of money by doing it yourself but it is not an easy job. Get a factory service manual to help out with the details of the job. Even a Haynes manual will work.[addsig]

Thanks for the help. How do i know if it's the clutch master or slave cylinder? Here is the scenario. I was driving, stopped at a light and went to push in the clutch and it met with a lot of resistance, well...I tried again, this time a little more forceful and it moved alright. All the way to the floor. Now it will not disengage, it just grinds when I push it to the floor? [addsig]

I could be wrong but it sounds like maybe the master went...usually when the disk is going you notice it. When the disk is going it will get to the point where it grabs at the very end of the pedal travel (when releasing the clutch) instead of midway like its supposed to. Eventually it quits grabbing at all and you can't go anywhere hehe.

Anyway your problem sounds either the slave or master went. I'm guessing it was probably the master because the booster probably went (that could be why it was hard to trying to use power brakes with the engine off)[addsig]


I pulled my AX15 transmission out a few months ago. There are two bolts at the top of the bell housing (one on each side) that are 12 point heads. I couldnt see them and stripped them. Took some grinding at very hard angles to get to them. If I remember they were a size 12mm (I could be wrong about the size). I replaced these two bolts with a regular 9/16 hex head bolt when I put it back together. Bleeding the clutch can take a long time. I finally just used a vaccum pump to bleed the air out. Replace that pilot bearing. Mine was stuck and I had to grind that out also. I'd guess mine had never been replaced, 13 years in and it was stuck and the needle rollers were falling out. [addsig]