Company doesn't want to honor gift certificate


New member
Hey everybody, I'm still fairly new here and have only posted once before.
I won a gift certificate at a TDS Desert Safari a couple of years ago and now the company doesn't want to honor it. It clearly says "no expiration date" right on it.
As I see it the company gets plenty of publicity having their name read off at such a huge event but how do I get them to come clean and take care of me?
Does anybody have any experience dealing with Off Road Evolution?

What can I do?

Try the Better Business Bureau.
I sell gift certificates for my company (I own it). Laws vary by state, but in PA you are not allowed to expire a paid-for gift certificate. Gift certs that I donate to charity auctions, etc., I am allowed to have expiration dates on.
What seems to work well also is to contact your local TV station.If they decide to run a story on it most companies will do every thing they can to prevent it.

:yeah-that:Get Raphael Sanchez on their arse! (that's our local "on-the-street" news guy)
What seems to work well also is to contact your local TV station.If they decide to run a story on it most companies will do every thing they can to prevent it.

I'm afraid this is too small a problem in too big a city.

Any other suggestions are welcome.
And or contact your states Attorney General. maybe faster

That is the best way to solve this. Posting on a facebook page is something I would reserve till after they honor the CG, you do not want to compromise your legitimacy should this be persued leagally,

or pooh in a box and mail it to them.