Could someone expain this whole "God" thing to me?

Mastercraft Seats?

Sitting here reading this there were some old deep scars that I felt. The Summer after my Junior year in high school I was riding in my best friends car when we wrecked. He was killed instantly and I was basically unhurt. I was real angry all right - at God, at life in general. That kid was one of the best friends I'd ever had and had a heck of alot going for him. He also was like a brother - and my home/family life was a mess those days so my friends were like my family most times. Then I watched my Grandfather deteriorate from Parkinson's disease and alzheimers and eventually die a couple years later. The anger intensified and I carried that anger around for nearly ten years after that, drinking like a fish, skinning up my knuckles on any smart mouthed or scrappy poor unsuspecting bastard who had no idea what kind of fire I had burning in the emptiness inside me.

I too had the catholic upbringing and I'm not knocking catholicism, but the church and school I was exposed to mostly just turned me away from any concept of god and that fateful day in June '87 sealed my hatred for even the idea of a supreme being.

After years of beating myself up, I started to get it into my head that I was living a pretty miserable existance and decided it best to give up drinking (among other things) for a while. Then I met a gal who after dating her for a while talked me into going to her church - and let me tell you it took some convincing! Well lets just say it was nothing like I had expected. The stories and scripture from the Bible were the same, but everything else was different. Tha pastor was doing a sermon on pain, anger, and letting go of your own will. That didn't sit to well with me, a guy who damn near raised himself and toughed out every freakin thing that came down the pike is gonna give up his will? That was what kept me going! Then I got to thinkin' that I wasn't exactly living the way I wanted and maybe shaking up my plans was a good thing. I still didn't really believe in God but I felt pretty comfortable at that church and the pastor was really an insightful guy who always had me leaving there questioning my thoughts, motives and actions. Slowly I started reading and listening and trying to apply that stuff to my life. Without going into detail, I began to see evidence of God and eventually became a Christian.

Cutting to the chase, I married that gal and now have 4 kids. We go to a church that was started in my neighborhood by the first church. When I look back to the time when I started realizing I needed to do something different, and think about the goals I had set for myself, I can only laugh in amazement because I was seriously cutting myself short. I'm living a life today that I thought I was never going to live. Beyond my wildest dreams. Anger is something that can spark up in me sure, but I deal with it a whole lot differently today. That hole in me that I had spent trying to fill with so many different things is gone.

I'm not trying to preach, not trying to compare. The reason I just wrote a freakin' book here is because I want to point out that life can change in the blink of an eye, as you've unfortunately had to find out the hard way - but don't make the same mistake I made and carry anger with you. It will ruin you and affect everyone that is around you. If you find that it is eating you up then do something about it - find a church you're comfortable in, talk to a counselor or a good friend regularly about it.

As to your feelings on God I will say this - if you're angry with him then like it or not you believe he is there. Try a "God if you're out there let me know you. Let me know the truth one way or the other. Help all this confusion make sense" prayer or something to that effect you get the idea. If you do that and are sincere - trust me things will clear up on the subject in his time.

As to whyGod lets bad things happen, I believe everything that god does is good, but we have this thing called free will. Free will at times comes at a cost, as does any freedom. Remember that good can come from tragedy if you allow it to, and that through pain comes growth (just dont make it take 10 years :lol: )

I hope something I wrote here is of some use to you - it not I got carpal tunnel syndrome for nothin'!

I am so sorry you lost your friend. Tragedy sucks.
id have to say no one was pushing thoughts, just voicing them objectivley, if theres one thing about jeeps thats great its that it brings everyone from all walks of life together and for the most part we're all here to help everyone else, wether it be tech, wheeling, religion, cooking, the loss of a loved one or ancient sumarian trade philosophies, we all have something to offer and the only reason that any of us rely on each other is because of something that has brought people together since d-day, so just be helpful and dont start an argument on our buds thread about his questions on god and why he no longer has his best friend


I can't answer your questions about God or even tell you that I can place myself anywhere near your shoes. I'm 30 and to this day have been blessed with very little death of those close to me. I am being given time to prepare I suppose. I feel exceedingly fortunate. I thank God for that.

I do believe in God. I believe in alot of other things in life too, and that life is a mysterious gift to us all and were just very small peices of the grand scheme.

I wish you peace and clarity in this healing process. I only have one brother and although he is a dumb brute I'd miss him to peices should he leave this earth before me.

We all take risks in this life were in and we all never know what's around the corner really. I agree with the others, it's normal and healthy to questions faith and the unknown in a time of sorrow like this. Take your time to heal or rage, whichever it is that makes you feel sane but please take care not to run yourself in the ground while your at it. I too believe your friend is preparing an awesome place for you to go to someday and sit right by his side.

I will add you to my prayers as of tonight. Peace be with you, your friends soul, and both your families.

Who else but God could have come up with the idea to plant in man's head to build a Jeep? That, too, was part of the plan in the grand scheme of things to bring all of us to this site. Believe it or not, God knew when and where your friend would die, and He guided you to this message board, as He guided all of us here, so that you'd have another place to find comfort and solace at this time of need. I get headaches thinking of how God has planned everything for us, and how it all weaves together at just the right moments in time. Have you ever watched the movie "Signs"? Mel Gibson's character puts it all down straight talking about those who "see" the miracles, and those who think nothing is related. That scene in itself gave me big goosebumps, because it was so well written and so true.

As TC said earlier, if you're angry with God, then you at least believe. Back when I was young and stupid, I denounced God, also, and tried to convince myself he didn't exist. But, the funny thing was, I was afraid of Satan and going to Hell. It took a long time for me to realise that the two are connected, God and Satan. So, if I believed in one and was afraid, then I really believed the other existed, too.

I'm not a perfect person, I do bad things all the time. But, I'm human, and God knows that, and He is forgiving. He is not a vengeful God, He is a loving God that has given us free will. What we choose to do with that will is our decision, not His.

For the OP, I hope you can find some meaning for what is happening to you right now, and I hope you find that comfort and solace I mentioned. It will take time, but remember you have a lot of people praying for you right now that you don't even know personally.

I was holding my dad's hand, looking into his deep blue eyes at the moment he passed. I felt the warmth of Heaven. I knew by looking at my dad at that moment that he was seeing Heaven. It was the strangest thing I've ever felt. I thought I would be torn apart when he finally left me, but I wasn't...I was calm. I can't explain the feeling I had, other than to say it was exhilarating. I felt his spirit go through me on his way out of this earth.

I'll continue to pray for you and all of his friends and family. You will get through this. It will take time, but remember that you are being watched by God, and now you have an extra angel keeping watch over you as well.
Why is God always blamed for bad things that happen. I believe that it all happens for a reason, it may not be clear for another 10 days or 10 years but it's there... and something good will most likely come from it.

My 14 year old cousin was killed when a huge tree fell on her during a wind storm 2 years ago. She will be missed, and alot of people were blaming God at the time. Now, most of our family is closer than ever. We all loved Greta but we know she is a better place now. God should not be blamed.

God does do great things as well! God healed my girlfreind when she had skin cancer 2 years ago before I met her, she just happend to see and "Early signs of skin cancer" poster in the Drs. office and they caught it early. If it wasn't for God's miracle I would not have met Kara at all!

I hope this changes your opinion on God and his works.

i'm very sorry to hear of your loss. Like Sully said, God does not control us. He loves us enough to give everyone of us a free will to do with out lives what we want. But within that free will, he lets trials happen to us to teach us, and to show us that there is Someone greater than ourselves. Maybe there is someone out there who's life was changed because of your friend's passing. Maybe it will cause everyone to think about how fragile life is, and do with you life what will count for eternity.
I understand the feelings of dispair and loss at times when a close friend or loved one is taken from this world, but it is times like this when you most need God to lean on and look for support. I have read in several of these posts where the question is asked "why does God let these things happen..." or asking why there is so much evil in the world and God does nothing to help.

Well, the answer to these questions can be found in the very first couple of pages of the bible. God did have a plan, he laid it out to Adam and Eve saying not to eat the fruit from the trees in the garden. Well, they disobeyed and in turn opened up the world to sin and evil. So this is where the evil comes from that you all complain of. It is not God who creates this evil in the world, it is satan that brings evil to this world and tempts the people of this world to do sinful acts and un-Godly things.

You ask how God could possibly let a good, young man be killed in such a tragic way.... well, read of Jesus' crusifiction and you would instead be asking "How could He give His SON.... HIS OWN SON to die and be killed on a cross?" If God is able to give His own son to die at the hands of humans on this earth, then surely there is meaning and reason for these actions when our friends and family lose their life.

God does have a plan for each and every one of us. Whether we see that plan, or even understand it is not entirely God's responsibility. He has laid out his plan and given the words to live by, but it is up to us to search for that path and follow His plan. God's plan does not begin or end on this earth at birth and death. Life and death are only part of his eternal plan. It is for this, that I hope your friends faith was strong and that he had accepted Christ as his own personnal savior. For if this is the case, then you have nothing to worry about or be angry over, because he is now sitting in Heaven with those who have gone before him, enjoying his time and watching down over you.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever should believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -- John 3:16

I truly hope that those of you who have struggled over this topic can find peace and can somehow see that God is not out to get you.... he does have a plan, and you are part of it.
I am sorry that you had to loose a good friend.

I have been very fortunante, with all the horrible things that have happened to me, I do not blame God. I have seen and heard so many say what you have. I know that all the Cliches that have been spouted towards you, don't help in the least. I know that someone saying "It will get better" or "Time will make it easier." trust me, it NEVER gets easier. It mearly gets to where it isn't in the front of your mind at all times. Bare with it friend and know this, we have all lost someone and we have all lost someone close. No matter how it happens it is always hard.

I am around if you need to talk, waldenjg on yahoo and AIM.

Well, we buried my best friend today. Although this is one of the hardest things ive had to endure im feeling pretty good. I was with his parents for a couple hours this morning. They are handling it pretty well. We spent most of the time recalling memories we had together. They assured me he was there laughing along with us, and you know, I believe them. When I started this thread I was very angry. I was mad at God for taking him, hell I was a little mad at Keith for leaving us. I know there is a reason for everything, and everything has a reason. There has already been something good come from the death of my best friend. He died from massive closed head trauma, now the track owners are thinking of requiring everyone that races at their track to wear a HANS device just like they make the nascar drivers wear. That alone will save many lives. I will never forget Keith but I do know that he will be there whenever I feel the need to talk to him. Ive always heard that death comes in 3's, well I just got a call from my mother. A friend that I grew up with but havent seen in years, his grandmother died this morning. I really hope this "comes in 3's" thing isnt true.
A/C control 92 XJ (HELP)

Whenever I think about how hard people have it on earth I read the the book of Job. Sometimes God's strongest supporters suffer the worst to prove the evil can not win.

Sorry for you loss you have my prayers

Anger is just part of the mourning process. God be with you and all concerned. tug
Sounds like you're doing better. I am glad to hear that. Yeah, your bud will always be there for you to talk to. I still talk to my dad every day. I know he hears me, and when I have questions about what I should or shouldn't do, I think of the situation the way my dad would think of it, and go with that. I said he was a teacher in life, and he is still a teacher in death. I still cry over missing him pretty often, but also cry tears of happiness when I remember what a great friend and father he was--and is.

Hang in there,'ll be ok. You've already begun to see some of the positives that your friend's passing has made. Trust me, there will be more. Yeah, it's ok to be upset now and then, it's even ok for a grown man to cry. Most important thing is not to keep it all bottled up inside. You've done well expressing your feelings here, and that's a very good thing. It takes a strong person to do that, and it's a sign that you're handling everything well. Each of us handles death in a different way, so I can't tell you what's right or wrong for you, but it seems like what you're doing is right. Keep the faith, bud.....ain't no reason not to.

God is a name given to something bigger than self. People have been trying to explain it, as long as there have been people.

Driving down the interstate, high speed right hand curve (I drove everyday) doing about 130-140 on my motorcycle, all of a sudden see a picture of a tire laying in the fast lane, like TV on the inside of my visor. Pulled to the right, slowed down, came around the curve and low and behold a tire laying in the fast lane. Stupid, but I parked a ran out and got that sucker and threw it over the guard rail (maybe that was the plan?).

Call it what you want, it´s real, you can hear it if you listen. Understanding, is a lot harder. Heard understanding the word, is something like tryng to explain, geometry to a dog. The ones that understand, are often called prophets or saints.

If your not gonna believe, survival often requires, listening to your instincts, might be a different word for the same thing, Hard to explain.
Im just now replying to this because Ive been out of town (at a church convention with my youth group).

Other than agreeing with what many of the others have said, all i can say to you is this. As hard as it is to lean on God in this time of pain, and as easy as it is to push Him away, this is the time when you need Him most. I promise you, if you put your faith in God and seek Him for comfort, He can and will ease your pain. I wont say your pain will go away, because you'll always miss your friend, but trust me, God can comfort you in your time of need.

Ill be praying for you.

I'm sorry. I know what you are feeling right now. And nothing that anyone said helps the pain go away. Only time and god can do that. It brakes my heart to read that you have to feel the way you do. It does get easier some days and harder others. But take one day at a time. The day will come when you can think of him without crying, feeling the pain or feeling alone in this world. It is not going to happend over night, but just remeber that god is with you always and your best friend is watching you and protecting you every step of the way. Have you every heard of the footprint poem? You need to read it. It will help.


It's good to hear from ya Cassie, and these are all words of inspiration!

Also, faith is a lot more than believing in higher power, you need to have faith in yourself as well as the ones close to you and the ones you love.
All I can say is, sorry for your lost my friend. I've had many people pass in my life too, and it's a hard thing to get through. My thoughts are with you.

As for the God debate, I won't get into this except to say, "believe what you believe because YOU believe it." Don't CONDESCEND to those who believe differently. People who don't believe aren't ignorant, nor are people who do. Age doesn't automatically predispose maturity.

Nice to see Cassie in the Jeepz house!