Cracked windshield?


New member
I've had my 09 Sahara for a little over a week and already I have my first crack. Its only about an inch wide and was made by a rock on the freeway. I've never cared before about cracks because I've never had a new vehicle and was wondering if anyone thinks I should take it in to get it looked at or if I'm going to waste my money? Thanks in advance guys, I know its a noob question but I would rather have jeep owners opinions on this. Yes, I know it sort of looks like the bat signal.


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I've had a bunch of chips in my jeep. It's because the windshield is not angled back much and takes the brunt of and rock coming your way instead of glancing off of raked back windshields like most cars. Might as well get it fixed before it spreads more.
See, that's what I read online, that I should fix it before it spreads. I know they're going to try to rip me off which is why I posted it in the first place. I figured that its not even an inch so it may not be too bad. Besides, what if I get another rock hit me the next day...then I have to pay another 30 or 40 bucks to fix it or whatever they charge.
It looks fixable to me......I dont think having a windshield repaired is anywhere near the cost of a new one. It wouldnt hurt to have it looked at and get a quote.......but you should do it soon before the cold/heat gets to it and it starts to spread. They might hassle you because the crack looks to be in your direct line of sight....I am not sure.

If you have an '09 Sahara I'm going to assume you probably have full coverage insurance on it (assuming you live in the U.S.), in which case your insurance should fully cover the cost of the repair, assuming that it is repairable.

I just had the windshield on my '06 TJ replaced last weekend. It cost less than my deductible so I didn't even report it. It cost me $253 total from Safelite. I've had my windshield repaired before and they billed my insurance directly and I didn't have to pay anything and I was told that it would not affect my rates.
I had the misfortune of being behind a cement truck and which dropped a rock. It hit my windshield so hard that it knocked off my rear view mirror. Because I live in Florida I had it replaced for nothing. Not only did I get a new windshield, I no longer have that small leak I had before
I've decided that where I live, Texas...horrible drivers in South Texas, and the fact that I'm going to use it as an everyday driver as well as freeway driving, I'm going to get it fixed. The thing is that my insurance will repair it maybe once or twice but it seems to happen a lot where I live, according to other people I know here, and I think eventually my rates will go up.

The way its cracked it will spread as son as you have some more pressure applied or temp change.Although the bat signal looks cool.I would have it repaired.
The way its cracked it will spread as son as you have some more pressure applied or temp change.Although the bat signal looks cool.I would have it repaired.

Exactly. If you don't repair it soon you'll have to replace it. Free (to you) vs. $250. It's your call.

Talk to your insurance company if you're concerned about your rates going up.
The thing is that I have Progressive insurance and I haven't actually talked to them but I haven't read anything online about them covering cracks. I'll have to find out from them today.

You can look into some windshield repair kit that you do your self.I dont know how well they work,but it may be a cheaper way to fix your problem.
The thing is that I have Progressive insurance and I haven't actually talked to them but I haven't read anything online about them covering cracks. I'll have to find out from them today.

I have Progressive and they covered my repair. What they told me when I called was that they would pay the full cost of the repair and that it would not cause my rate to go up, however it *may* have an effect on them not cutting my rate in the future. Your policy may differ.
I would check with a company called safelite. They claim they can fix in about 30 mins and it is billed to your insurance. Your insurance company is charged much less than a new windshield.

No way, I called safelite today and they said 100 and progressive said they would pay it once and then my rates will go up. I came to the conclusion that I would take the hit and any other within a year and if its bad at the end of a year i will just replace the windshield. Money is really not an issue with me but I just dont want to drive around with a ****ty jeep.