crank positioning sensor


New member

fast question,
is the cps adjustable???if so how do i adjust it????
trhanks in advance
mike :lol: [addsig]


I don't believe so, nothing to adjust. The CPS generates power pulses when a metal surface (like a tooth on the flywheel) passes under its magnetic field. The ECU counts these voltage spikes to determine TDC, BDC, RPMs, etc.. Hope that helps :-D


edited by: XJNick, Jul 15, 2003 - 05:55 PM[addsig]

No, He's right its not adjustable. I had to have mine replace even though its not likely for them to fail. i have an extra one that may fit you model if you think yours is in need of replacement. I also have procedures to test it if you need them.... [addsig]