death wobble problems and then some


New member
I was leaving work today and I got up to about 30 mph and then I got the wobble. When it happened it was so bad some of the fiberglass on my top started to grind off and my a/c stopped blowing out of the vents and went just to defrost. After I pulled over everything went back to normal. I had this problem a few months ago and had a part that was bent replaced on my track bar. It only happens every blue moon but I was planning on taking it to north carolina this weekend which is a 6 hour drive and I would prefer this not happen while my fiance and pets are in the jeep. My fiance will flip out. What would cause my a/c to mess up like that?

The HVAC will generally default to defrost if vacuum at the HVAC control is lost.
Thanks. I'm glad it wasn't something with my a/c. Should the death wobble happen frequently if there's a problem? I only get it once a month if that. I'm a daily driver on straight asphalt. No rough roads. Usually happens between 25-35 mph.
how are the tires? are they balanced good? is the tire pressure correct? how is the steering stabilzer? check all of these things first and make sure there is no problem there, it usually is the tires but who know. make sure there is nothing caked up on the inside of the rims as well. I some times get "death wobble" on my cherokee after it has been sitting a while but that is b'cuz of the bias ply tires. good luck