dixie chicks?


New member

i know this is of subject , but was wondering about some of you guys opinion about the comment that natilie from the dixie chicks made about pre.bush. for those of you that have been on venus for the last few weeks , when they where in europe she said that they (guess she was refering to the rest of the group)were imbarissed that bush was from texas.

was at a getogether this weekend and the subject came up. there were a lot of different opinions on the comment. but most everyone agreed that she has everyright to state her opinion. and while you may not agree with the comment, this is a free society and our troops have fought and continue to fight , with greta valor i may add. to protect our free speech. if we cant state our opinions than we are no better than the regimes and dictators that we are trying to depose.

am not trying to get a argument started about anyones politics , but was just wondering about someother opinions on this subject.............odax :cool: [addsig]


Well, I just read an article about that whole thing in a magazine, and it said something that I though was profound, and the jist of it was that a lot of musicians are using their music to state their opinions on war. End of story. I think the big problem here is that they are a country based band, and really most of the anit-war messages are coming from rock/pop singers. I think it was just a real shock that some good ol girl from Texas was so outspoken about: a) The prez b) Texas c) war. All of that adds up to being the antithesis of a Texan. Personally? I think these musicians should stick to the singing, ix-nay on the olitics-pay!!![addsig]

i am all for ones 1st amendment rights, but that doesn't mean i am going to watch to many susan sarandon movies(even though i still think her best movie is the rocky horror picture show)but sometimes hollywood actor, actresses, singers, etc forget that in reality they are not any smarter than you and I. But i have had issues with them -long before the present political climate. Most of the Hollywood elite are so anti-cop(re: the free mumia movement)that their stance against this war and the president doesn't suprise me.[addsig]

I try to keep my political views to a political forum, but.......They can think whatever they want. Again, it part of the US Constitution.

edited by: RAVEN13xxx, Apr 08, 2003 - 07:49 PM[addsig]


Yup She has the right ot say what she wants to say! Freedom of speach! Do I like it Nope! Freedom of speach! Tug[addsig]

am not trying to get a argument started about anyones politics , but was just wondering about someother opinions on this subject.............odax


She has the right to say that. But i also have the right NOT to listen to her music because of it. :)

Not that i would listen to it anyway. I cant stand their music anyway.
But you get my point. I dont agree with her, therefore i wont listen to her.

Same thing with John Mellencamp (sp?)



If she had said that stuff to a crowd of Americans and not in a foreign country I wouldn't be so mad. [addsig]

It was a soldier that died so that she could make an A$$ out of her self, I believe that this is a direct result of there relationship with cherl crow who has turned out to be a anti-war protester. I have been watching the coverage of the war and seem to me that the Iraqis are dancing in the streets, they do not seem to be joining in with our actors and recording artist. When this is all over and the Iraqi people are free from oppression and ternary, these elitist must know that this was not done in their name, and that the American people will not forget about their actions. I do not have the bully pulpit that they have to express my views, so I will show my views with my wallet and not support their lifestyle

Michael Moore, Susan Sarandon, Tim Robbins, Martin Sheen, and the Dixie Chicks, and all other anti-troop activist.
:-x :-x :-x :-x :-x :-x :-x :-x :-x :-x :-x :-x :-x :-x :-x :-x :-x :-x :-x

edited by: N2HUN10, Apr 09, 2003 - 08:02 AM[addsig]

It is true she is free to say what she wants. But now she is trying to tell everyone it was just a joke. What a crock. If it was just a joke she would have said so in her first apology, but there is no mention of it being a joke in either of her first couple statements. Shes just crying the blues at all the $ shes losing by stations refusing to play their songs and people refusing to buy thier records.

Neal Boortz said it best about this situation when he said "People who run hither and scream “free speech” at the top of their lungs need to realize that just because you are free to say what you want, you are not free to avoid all consequences resulting from what you say."[addsig]


My feeling on the dixie chics is as follows. Yes I believe in the freedom of speech, but people such as the dixie chics and recently eddie vetter from pearl jam, use their celebrity status and or concerts as a soap box to state their opinion about everything from war to the legalization of class D substances. Now the people that attended that concert did not PAY to listen to that lady bitch about war! They were paying to listen to music. I feel that if celebrities want to hold a forum to voice their opinions, don't charge people. Hold a free rally, don't sing or act or what ever they do and have a peaceful protest or forum of discussion.


I was reading in the paper that Rosie O'Donald was making off color remarks about Pre. Bush the other day at a award show of some type, and they booed her ass off stage, Thats Great!

I'm not going to boycott any actor or musician for speaking their opinion...a part of freedom of speech is the ability to do so on RESPONSIBLE ISSUES without being railroaded. The war is a responsible issue and there were very good arguments supporting opinions on both sides. If you can't speak your mind on responsible issues for fear (imagined or real) that you'll be railroaded out of your job, blacklisted to the point that your career is over, or some other massively negative result...that's not freedom of speech and that's not what America is about.

I will caveat that if someone chooses to speak their mind on irresponsible issues (e.g. racial hatred, religious hatred, etc. ) well, they have that right too, but I think it's completely appropriate for such irresponsible views to be boycotted or railroaded....economics will typically dictate that anyway.

As for musicians touting their war views at a concert, I completely agree that people were there to hear music and did not PAY to hear someone's views about the war. These musicians DO need to learn some discretion with regard to when and when not to impose their personal views. They DON'T need to be completely railroaded.

Just my two cents worth...


edited by: phillika, Apr 09, 2003 - 08:52 PM[addsig]

Accually I was thinking about this after my last post, That dixie chic, is she protected under the first amendment? Her statements were made from another country, she was in England. This is not ment to be politcal but rather technical. Is this a technicallity to the rule.
Whats happening to this world.

This country is run by bush, dick and colon.
The French think Americans are stuck up.
The best golfer is black.
The best rapper is white.
Germans an Canadians don't want to fight.
and the Swiss have the America's cup!

Thought that was funny![addsig]


ha ha, good point . but as a american citizen nomatter where you travel you are still a citizen and still protected by the constitution. oh and what about the 4x4 of the year ......a lexus...please............odax :-D [addsig]

Around here,the dixie chicks are now known as the "chicksie dicks" :lol: :lol: I heard that the other day fro someone. :wink: Sully[addsig]

As many of you mentioned, 1st amendment concerns are paramount. The Chicks can say what they want - and it's typical of any person or group to foist their views upon the unsuspecting. It's especially typical with show biz types.

What's fairly irritating is when your asked your opinion at work, the store, by the in-laws, or such and then your castigated for your views. It's fairly ironic if not down-right hypocritical. On one side, most agree that free speech should reigh supreme, but when a person doesn't agree with that particular speech, they are ostricized for it.

I don't like what the Chicks spewed, I won't purchase their cd's anymore and when they're on the air, I'll turn it away. My free speach includes my dollar's free speach as well.

I stopped watching Susan Serandon movies years ago - still will not go see one or watch one on TV.

Rosie's anti-gun, pro "do what ever you want as long as you agree with me" facist attitude turned me away along time ago. As a result, anything to do with Rosie - especially her child related endeavors (ie children shows, Nickolodeon) where she brain washes children before they can make conscious choices, was turned off a long time ago in my house.

These are my choices and my freedom of speach as well, and I see the poeple listed above as well as many more trying to restrict my choices by supporting causes and candidates that will enforce - with legislation - restrictive, oppressive, and one sided matters, and if I continue to support them with my dollars, I am only helping them to turn back around and screw me blue.

In any case, should the Chicks be allowed to spew, yes. Do I agree with it, not just no, but HELL NO. It's like some dead Greek guy said, "I do not agree with what you say, but I will fight do the death your right to say it." Just like some young American men and women are doing right now...


edited by: gunner, Apr 10, 2003 - 03:06 AM[addsig]


Again, they have the right to free speech. And as they say, "money talks". I laugh at how they are now complaining that people are boycotting them. I heard a newscaster say that this boycotting of people that disagree with the war, is akin to nazi germany and book burning. WHAT?!?!? I think it's funny that the hollywood type say that Bush is an idiot and he should be impeached, but when there's a backlash against them they cry foul. I think the best is Martin Sheen's commercial in which he says, "Don't invade Iraq. Inspections work, war doesn't" Hmmm, in less than a month and look what we've done for Iraq.

I was watching on tv, when we went in to Baghdad, and it looked like they had just won the NCAA championship. All the looting, and breaking stuff. But, where I see a difference, is what they were looting. We could learn alot from them. They looted all of Saddams stuff, not their own.[addsig]


no, usually i don't wear underwear... :-O [addsig]