DJ suspension height difference.


New member
While I am making some progress on my dj.I noticed one side at the rear wheel wells,there is about one inch in hieght difference,the left being lower than right.???
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I'd say go out for a drive, park in a flat parking lot and remeasure - possibly doing this twice. A slope in the ground could easily cause this.

It could be that your suspension has settled a bit, or that only of your shackles is frozen.
My driveway is paved and pretty flat.My first thought was that maybe the shackles were bad,(rusty) or the springs are tired and need to be replaced.It is an 83 after all.I think what I may do ,is to spray the shackles with some penetrating oil and see what happens.Thanks.

All the mail sat on the left so the spring is prob shot I have 2 postal djs both lean does your dj have a small 1/2 lift block on right side of the rear if so put it on the left
If you need some let me know I have a few may have springs too

As to the block on the right side, I was told by another carrier that they were made this way because the right side of the Jeep spent more time off the road to the mailbox. My '82 has this block too.

Will sent you 1 front and 1 rear block that way you can be sure its totally level
If you need any other parts I got them all only thing I don't have are speedometers they went fast

I am going to need a seat bracket and some door seals in the near future.
Got the spacers today,thanks.They will be in place this weekend.Will keep your card also.Thaks again,Will.

figured they'd get there yesterday guess I was wrong lol glad they got there
Spacers are in,piece of cake.Now for the seat brackets.John,do these come with seat belts too? How much,to include shipping?Only need one.Thanks.
think it has a seat belt belt I'll have to check I'll do $20. have to see what shipping is
give me a day or 2 wife was in wreck so she my main priority at the moment
but Ill get back to you asap