Do you read or like JP Magazine?

I havent gotten a subscription but whenever i can i pick up the latest issue. i like it for what its got.


Installing lift

yes very much

along with the other 10 or so magazines I get sent to the house
Re: RE: Re: RE: off road today

ohh, it's alright.

Everyonce in a while I'll glance through a copy if I'm at the bookstore :oops: , but that's about it.
RE: Torque

Well, I had submitted a video to JP Magazine for a offer they have for folks to send in movies of jeepin. They just emailed me they put it on thier page and that it is up and running!
Some of you may remember it from last month.

Go to and look for ole 90's XJ a tearing up the house!!!!

I'm famous...... :!: :!: :!:
i dont think ive missed an issue in over 3 years, and never want to miss another. i have a 2 year perscription for Jp (yes i meant perscription. seein how i dont have a Jeep anymore and need one i need my meds.)

Very cool! I check out JP when I am at the bookstore, but I dont have a subscription.
Got the subscription and have to admit it's my second favorite magazine. First is the new mag Xtreme Offroad Magazine and third is Petersen's. I read 4Wheeler only if I've got a long plane ride.

Used to be a real "grass roots" mag with stuff you can do in your own garage. Since Peterson's bought it it got kind of crazy but it is still an excellent magazine but some of the tech is like monster garage at times. I have a subscription and read it cover to cover.
Re: RE: Zipper on a soft top?

TwistedCopper said:
Used to be a real "grass roots" mag with stuff you can do in your own garage. Since Peterson's bought it it got kind of crazy but it is still an excellent magazine but some of the tech is like monster garage at times. I have a subscription and read it cover to cover.

Exactly how I feel :D . I used to have a subscription, but did not renew it when they changed owners.
Re: RE: Torque

TwistedCopper said:
Used to be a real "grass roots" mag with stuff you can do in your own garage. Since Peterson's bought it it got kind of crazy but it is still an excellent magazine but some of the tech is like monster garage at times. I have a subscription and read it cover to cover.

Never have read it, but I can understand what you meant about Perterson's. I used to subscribe to a really cool photography mag, then Peterson's bought it out and it went from classical, basic, grassroots photography to a bunch of computer enhanced crap for people who can afford to spend umpteen thousand dollars on darkroom computer processing equipment and cameras to make, if you hadn't guessed, I'm not a fan of Peterson's. And now that I know they've got control of JP, I'll most likely never so much as glance at it now.

CJ7 VS. TJ Wrangler

Alright 90!! We have a celebrity on our hands here.

RE: My last trail run

They need to move David Freiburger from Car Craft to JP for his next editor gig. Car Craft is the best automotive rag in the world thanks in large part to him and Matt King. Either one of those two would make JP what Rick "It's not worth driving unless it has flat fenders" Pewe only dreamed about.
brake light

JP mag is spread all over my house and workplace... along with offroad, hot rod, etc... etc. etc...

Nice vid!

Yep, along with Four Wheeler and 4wheel, but JP is my favorite since it's jeeps and that's all I have!