Doe aanyone know

I bought my half doors off of

You're going to need a very healthy checking account - hard top and full doors will set you back $1500-$2k where I live.
I agree with Terry, I ran into the same problem when looking about adding a hard top and full doors to my TJ for the winter. If you are handy with tools and own a grinder you can make a cj or yj top fit. Usually they run far less than the TJ tops.



By cutting the leading edge of the top and lightly radiusing it, it can be made to fit quite well. As to the hard doors my came from a cj7, all I did to make them fit was loosen the upper hinge mount and tilt the door back till it lined up well. Only you have to make some new door strikers, like this


All said and done the doors and top cost me just $250 to install on the Jeep.

I agree with Terry, I ran into the same problem when looking about adding a hard top and full doors to my TJ for the winter. If you are handy with tools and own a grinder you can make a cj or yj top fit. Usually they run far less than the TJ tops.

<img src=""/>

<img src=""/>

By cutting the leading edge of the top and lightly radiusing it, it can be made to fit quite well. As to the hard doors my came from a cj7, all I did to make them fit was loosen the upper hinge mount and tilt the door back till it lined up well. Only you have to make some new door strikers, like this

<img src=""/>

All said and done the doors and top cost me just $250 to install on the Jeep.

Nice work.