does anything good ever show up in the bayarea?


New member

i live in san jose california and ever since i got my jeep i've been looking for spots where jeep people show up and hang out and talk about jeeps.[addsig]


don't listen to him. He is mad at himself , he just found out he's not god.
What the heck is your problem man. :-x I think that you can leave now. Im serious :wink: Sully[addsig]

I will defend Tug to the end. Go ahead and say something else, dude. In fact, why don't you come on the trip this summer... you and your Jeep would make a very nice obstacle. -Mike :-D [addsig]


Hey man, I live in Hayward and me and my buds usually hit Hollister Hills pretty often. We also run Niagra Rim a couple times a year and will be running the Rubicon in mid-June. Your more that welcome to join us.[addsig]

I use to run Rayovac Batteries out to Hayward right near the city Airport. There is a deli at the city air port I got to know the gals that ran it pretty well. Nice folks out there and nice area. Small world ain't it! Hayward I would not have thouht of that in a million years! tug[addsig]

I also work in trucking as a sales rep and have called on that place several times. I know just where your talking about. Are you still in freight?[addsig]

I use to run Rayovac Batteries out to Hayward right near the city Airport. There is a deli at the city air port I got to know the gals that ran it pretty well. Nice folks out there and nice area. Small world ain't it! Hayward I would not have thouht of that in a million years! tug

LOL a very small seems that some time in the past I was born in Hayward and live just down the street from the Jr. College...lolololol[addsig]

Hey Haywood is nice and some real good folks there. Would like to visit again. Glad to know there is yet another tie to a couple of you guys. We as in everyone on the planet maybe a bit much there lets say the united states or what ever country you are in have ties in some sort of away or manner. Either through travle common intrest family friends or some other fomr of relation are all connected in some manner. However small the connection we are all able to find something to find as common ground if we only look. Simple as a back ground in up bringing if studyed close enough our paths either have wil or do cross.

I must be deep thinking tonight or else I am haveing some serious flash backs from the 70's here. lol Tug[addsig]

Replaced a lock cylinder?

I live in Santa Clara. I am new to my jeep. Have had it two months now. Haven't done any off roading or any work to it except to fix a few small broken items. Haven't ever done any off roading either.