dome light wiring problem


New member
I installed a speaker bar with a dome light in it on a 98 tj. I got the light hooked up to the door switches, but I cant figure out what wire to connect to on the hedlight switch (where you turn it to turn on dome light). Does anyone have an idea for me?

steering column

Im going through the same thing. How did you get to the door switches? It seems pretty darn hard to get to it!


I wouldn't mess with trying to tap in a the door switches or headlamp switch...

Instead splice into the wires that lead to one of the foot well lights (assuming you have them). This will ensure the dome light will function through the door switches and headlamp switch. :mrgreen:

-Nick :!:
Unless they dont work, I dont have the footwell lights. Where would they be located if I did. I have already sucessfully hooked into to door switches, they popped out towards the open door if I recall correctly. You then splice into the middle wire using a wire connector and run that to the ground on your dome light. Its a pain right now as the only way I can turn on my dome light is to open the door which is not safe while driving.

Foot Ball, Hang Over's, Jeepen, or what?

I did have one of those "footwell" lights after all. It was right in line with my left leg when put on the clutch. The bulb must have been burnt out since before I bought the jeep. I kept my splice job to the door and I splice that wire into the ground from the footwell light. WOrks like a charm. It comes on when either door is open or when the switch is activated. Thanks for your help!
Re: Off center steering column?

No Problem. 8)

I too didn't realize I had footwell lights when I first bought my TJ. I was happy when I finally found out they were there :mrgreen:

-Nick :!:
I noticed that you said "footwell lights" (pluaral) I only found one, in line with my left leg on the clutch. Are there any more? Thanks again!

You should have two footwell lights. You've already found one, the other is just below the glove box, attached to the lower dash (exactly as the other one is). These are the only two lights. Of course, you could add more if you like :mrgreen:

-Nick :!: