Door Removal


New member

I have a 98 TJ. Im wondering the best way to remove the doors in the summer. My dealer "told" me that its not really made for the doors to come off. He mentioned that it would crack the paint and look pretty bad, whats the reality on this? Im also wondering if I should just take the bolt out of the hinge, or take the hinges off all togther, screws and all? Im trying to determine what will look better with considering what will mess up the paint worse. Any advice on this and any thing im overlooking would be appreciated. [addsig]


On your jeep there should be a two nuts on each door that you can remove to take the doors off. The nuts are located on the top and bottom hinges in the middle where the hinge pivots. The only thing I could see you chipping paint on is those nuts, but be careful as not to hit the body or the door with your wrench as that might cause scratches. Then if you open the door you should be able to just lift it out. If you look at it close enough you should be able to figure it out. Hope this helps

I have a 2000TJ (bought it used and the guy before me never took off the doors or tried to take off the hinge pins), and after loosening the bottom nut with a ratchet (wrap a towel or tape around the end so when you do hit the body it wont bang it up too bad), the doors will pop right up and out. If this is the first time you have done this, they will be a little hard to just lift up and out. Swing the door back and forth a couple times while lifting, and they will come right out. I would leave the hinges on, or at the very least, put the srcews back in if you do. There MAY be an occassion that mud and other crap will get in there, and leaving them on will ensure that you dont crip any paint underneath them when you remove them. It looks good with the hinges left in place. People will be too busy gawking and wishing they had a Jeep to even notice

I never remove the hinges, and alot of people don't even bother putting the painted nuts back on, or they replace them with some stainless ones so it looks better...

Some anti-seize grease on the pins will help them come off easy the next time you do it.[addsig]


<TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font class="pn-sub">Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT class="pn-sub"><BLOCKQUOTE>I never remove the hinges, and alot of people don't even bother putting the painted nuts back on, </BLOCKQUOTE></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><HR></TD></TR></TABLE>

Mine were taken off once and have been in the ashtray for the last 2 years...

<TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font class="pn-sub">Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT class="pn-sub"><BLOCKQUOTE>>>I never remove the hinges, and alot of people don't even bother putting the painted nuts back on, <<

Mine were taken off once and have been in the ashtray for the last 2 years...

mine make good paper weights

I have an '02 TJ and and I just take off the two nuts and lift up. Leave the hinges on. Oh yeah your dealer is not very smart. Part of the reason why Jeeps don't have power windows and locks is so it is easier to take the doors off.[addsig]


one thing not covered, after you take off the doors, remove the #4 fuse to make the interior lights go out