Driving in the rain?


New member
Who puts the top on when the rain is coming and who likes to just keep the top off?

I drive in the rain topless. It's like jumping in the pool after a long day at work.
It depends on the severity of the rain. If a 30% chance of scattered showers is expected, the top stays off. If an obvious torrential downpour is coming through, the top goes on. I have driven in the heavy storm a few times. It's funny how the rain hits the inside of the windshield. However, too many men get distracted and I worry about road safety, so I try to refrain from driving in the heavy rain while I'm topless .
Driving in the rain isn't so bad, it's all the people who point and laugh and go "oh that's gotta suck!" I hate those people...

I was hoping for some rain last night but it never happened. :-(
Top and doors say off for the summer. Doors and windows at home, but with the top folded down.

So far this summer I've been caught twice in what I'd consider dangerous rain. Even with the top on (no windows or doors), the rain was blinding - so much so that not only was the inside of the window soaked, but it couldn't keep it out of my eyes to see. I don't mind cruising around in a light shower, but in a heavy thunderstorm is stinks.

Having said that, there's a 40% chance of thunder storms today so I brought my raincoat... 8)
I should probably get some goggles too.
I used to leave the top off all summer in Utah, but after moving back to Arizona I have to put my top on for July and Aug. The dust storms leave several pounds of the brown stuff inside my jeep that make driving it after a dust storm just as bad if your were driving during one.

But after getting caught in a freak summer snow storm un in Utah one year I learned to keep a small towel in the trunk to wipe the snow off the inside of the window.

Unfortunately my Jeep sits a lot so I leave the top on and remove when I get a chance to use the Jeep.I have been caught in many storms,to the point that I keep a small squeegee inside the glove box for the inside of the wind shield.
I used to leave the top off all summer in Utah, but after moving back to Arizona I have to put my top on for July and Aug. The dust storms leave several pounds of the brown stuff inside my jeep that make driving it after a dust storm just as bad if your were driving during one.

But after getting caught in a freak summer snow storm un in Utah one year I learned to keep a small towel in the trunk to wipe the snow off the inside of the window.

I was in AZ 3 months this year, Yuma. The top and doors were off almost 100% of the time. I am meticulous about cleaning my jeep. I was soon tired of walking outside to a brown interior every few days. If I had a garage, it may not have been so bad. I went thru at least 2 bottles of detailer in 3 months. I figure that crap is in my vents. I am going to have to do something about that before winter hits when I have to turn the heat on. I do not care much for AZ. Telegraph Pass was nice. That's one good thing.

when i see rain i just quote clark grizwold "roll em up!" lol no rain worries or woes here, only bad part is when it rains durring the day and its 95 degrees out and i have to put my windows up, i feel like im driving in an oven, NO A/C
I only put the bikini top on if its going to rain hard. Im with Scubadude I hate the people that think your having a awful time because its raining when your actually having a great time. Just pull the floor plugs and keep going........
Sat night it was raining like crazy so we hopped in the topless jeep and went in the woods.


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Mine gets the bikini top from March to November (no doors) then for the winter I put the hard top on. I do drive it every now and then without the bikini top and I like it much better. It's just dry rotted and everytime it comes off I think it's gonna rip when I put it back on. I do like getting caught it the rain. Sometimes I leave the house on my Harley in the rain. Washes me and the bike, saves time. Gonna try rainx on the inside of the windshield, good tip.