Dual Battery Setup w/ Mean Green Altenator


New member
Has anyone done the double battery setup with two optima batteries and a mean green altenator.

I found this article, looks like a good write-up; 4 Wheel Drive & Sport Utility Magazine

I know that some guys have problems with their winch setups to include additional electrical requirements that are demanded by jeep lovers... Anybody been there done that yet? :idea:

I have a dual optima setup on my CJ. I use the 1 most of the time but at night when i use the light bar and the winch i switch the aux battery on..I monitor the aux batt. with a gauge and when it's below 11.2 volts i switch on the toggle when the engine is running so that it gets charged back up and ready for use when needed.. My alternator was custom built with an output of 170 amps and is more than sufficient for all the electrical demands. All my exterior lamps exept the driving and spot lamps are converted to L.E.D.s..I can leave the parking lamps on for 5 to 6 hrs without killing the battery..
Thats freaking awsome! Ok so right now I have a yellow top optima. Im thinking about the mean green altinator. I hear that thing pumps out some major power.

Sounds like you have a pretty cool put-together!
Just make sure you have some sort of an isolator from one battery to the other. Avoid leaving the 2 batterys connected together when the veh. is parked..

There are s few different ways to run dual batteries. There are pros and cons to all of them. I run my dual batteries in parallel which gives me 12v but double the amperes. I do not run a battery switch or isolator, they perform like one large battery, and it is very simple as in the KISS principal. No special alternator wiring either.
I am not trying to say one method is better than another. Also to get into the science of the pros and cons is beyond the scope of what I want to discuss here.
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There are s few different ways to run dual batteries. There are pros and cons to all of them. I run my dual batteries in parallel which gives me 12v but double the amperes. I do not run a battery switch or isolator, they perform like one large battery, and it is very simple as in the KISS principal. No special alternator wiring either.
Been there done that. It does work well. However, i found out later when 1 of the battery failed, the other battery tried to equalize with the defective battery causing both to have insufficient voltage the next day. So with this in mind, when both battery are being charged by the alternator, both battery are also trying to equalize at the same time..
Yes that is absolutely true, and this is really the only down side to a parallel setup. When you replace the batteries they must be done in pairs, no exceptions. In my case one battery is just not enough in winter to start my truck so even if I had one battery isolated and the other goes dead I am still sol. I have only had one time where one battery went bad suddenly.

I am wondering, with the stock altenator in my yj right now working with my yellow top battery, I have noticed that the battery has not met that full charge it had when I first installed it. Would it be a good idea altogether an just get a mean green alt to keep the life strong?
When you say "the battery has not met that full charge it had when I first installed it" how are you checking the battery?
Its just that Im thinking that when I start up, the juice dosent start up as quick on some daysas opposed to others. So i figured a stronger altenator would support the ability to fill up that strong battery. ...... how about a MSD ignition box. Any suggestions there? I just want my jeep to have the support it needs to run like a champ an when I ask, it gives!