Electric Fan Ignition Wire


New member
Did the electric fan in the YJ yesterday.....WOW, what a difference. I hooked the ignition wire up to the battery temporarily because I didn't know where to find an accesible 12 volt ignition wire. Does anybody know where I could find one easily under the hood? Is it always the same color?

Do you have a PDC (fuse block) under the hood? Consider the studs on the end of that, or install your own fuse block away from the battery.
I don't have a PDC in my model but I got it worked out. For those of you who have not done this mod, I highly reccomend it. I can tell a huge difference in power and it sounds cool when I turn it off.
you can run it thru a relay (less current draw) off the ig. coil that should have pwr when the ig. is on... just a thought...

thats how i have mine ran is through a 30 amp relay that is kicked on by my 12v ignition fuse works like a charm !