engine knock

yehaaa , the year was right. your diagram was wrong . Went to auto zone got one of the diagnostic things and went to plug it in . HUH, no plug in spot. then I learn I ave the wrong diagnostic toool in the first place. then I think I learn"LOL" the port is by the brake master cylinder, huh, tomorrows job maybe.
OH Yeah! Then I learned to day that you can get the code by the flashing engine light. Turn the key on and off 3 times, on the forth turn leave it on. The check engine light welll emit flashing code like morse code. Been a good day.

Ohio dont sound to exciteing, you can bring the tent and cold ones to the blue ridge mountains in virginia.

Ok it may be a month before I get back to this issue. Spring is here and lawn needs mowing, working on an old farm house . Repairing one thing and as I'm doing it I hear a window drop out of it's frame and brake, lol. Yup I fit right in with that new show. What is it, bless this mess.,lol.
well, I havnt done anything to the cherrokee but start it up and run it a little here and there and the problem seems to have disappeared.
The problem still has not reappeared, must be something like a sensor got stuck from it not being run in a while. :scratch:
Well, I am . But it puzzles me, why, what could be the possibilities. May be just run it till something happens, but I would like to do preventive maintenance. Oh well dont fix it if it aint broke. LOL
Based on the sound of the knock, it could be sever things.
Dirty fuel filter
Low pressure
Dirty injector

Stuck valve
Stuck lifter

Maintenance for stuck valve or lifter would be keeping oil clean. Some might suggest some additives. I have run a 1/2 quart of tranny fluid for a dar before changing the oil. Once in a while.
Water/steam cleaning or sea foam the intake and calendars. Also occasionally run the engine for a block or two at or above 3500 rpm. Above 3500 rpm the valves were designed to allow them to turn. By turning they prevent buildup in one area.
For the injectors occasionally run some cleaner in the tank. Or pull them and ultrasonic clean them. If they are bad just change them.


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