excessive cranking


New member

Just bought a 1993 cherokee. It cranks rather long before it fires up. Sometimes have to stop cranking then crank again to have it start. Has anyone experienced this problem? If so, do you know the solution? Thank you in advance. [addsig]


Tune it up and have it hooked up to a computer some where and go from there. Either fire, air, or fule is not happening! Other wise welcome to the board and hang in there a real jeep wrench will be here to the rescue any min. Good Luck Tug

The guy I bought the jeep from told me he had this problem with the original motor, and still had the problem after the motor was replaced.[addsig]

mine did that! mine did that!

um, short story, the crankshaft position sensor...

application: there are many sensors on your vehicle that tell the computer what's going on. if one of these sensors go bad, it will not tell the computer the right thing and it won't get spark. you need to scan the computer for codes and replace the intermittently faulty sensor.

extra note: learn from my mistake, i knew about the problem for about a month... the first time it did this "not starting up correctly" was december 14, 2002. it finally simply DIDN'T START on january 16, 2003, so i had to pay EVEN MORE MONEY to get the thing towed.[addsig]


What is "rather long" anyway! My Jeep does not start instantly like other EFI vehicles I have (for instance my 95 Caravan probably turns over twice and it is running whereas the Jeep probably cranks over 6 - 8 times and slowly in my mind BUT it does start!) I had the alternator/starter/battery system checked out all is well so I was thinking that it is just a starter motor differnce. It just turns over a little slowly!

I agree with Dingus though on getting it checked out and yes the CPS is a highly suspect piece![addsig]

i have yet to hear a jeep that just starts right up (with minimal cranking)... i'm assuming that between 5 and 10 cranks could be considered "normal" considering temperature and other conditions.[addsig]


This topic was going to be my question for the night. My jeep takes about 10 cranks to start it everytime. But i guess I have to take into effect that the high for this week was 20 degrees. The one thing i've found with mine at least...or maybe i'm loosing my mind. When i turn the key i let all the light turn on and do there system check and when the turn off I usually start it. It seems to me to cut down on the number of times it needs to be turned over. The only thing that would explain this is that the fuel pump had already gotten the fuel up to the engine by the time I turned the key to start.


I know what you mean. If I tap the key,then try to start it, it seems it takes less cranks to fire up. It seems to work.[addsig]