Few Questions


New member
Haven't been on here in a while, so I thought I'd ask a few questions and see what we can come up with. 87 YJ 4.2L I6

1) I just had a coolant flush done a few weeks ago and now I'm hardly getting any hot air coming from my heater...what happened?

2) Just had a rebuilt Jasper engine (I6) and a rebuilt Carter (i know, dont flame me for that) put in over the fall and now as I was doing a lil lookin' under the hood I noticed that I'm STILL getting a little bit of oil in the air filter and around the outside where the PCV valve runs.

3) I'm hearing a ticking noise whenever i'm in neutral and the clutch isn't engaged.

Thats it for now...i'm tryin to keep her goin and hopefully someone out there can help! Thanks!!!


Lt Col Mike Cox

1) have you tried changing the thermostat? Sounds like it might have gotten stuck open or something.
hmmm interesting.... here are a few suggestions from me...
for the coolant system make sure that u bleed the system good andhave the heater turned on full blast when your doing it, also rev the engine to try and force any air pockets out, if that dont work your heater core may be pluged up or one of the lines to the heater core may be pluged up.
no too sure about the oil in the air filter...
and for the ticking in neutral it sounds like the throw out bearing my be wearing out, that or the springs in the pressure plate.
RE: Re: Detroit or ARB in rear DANA 44?

1) where do I find the thermostat?

also, you said it might be the throwout bearing...what can I do to check that, how long can I drive with it...is it anything serious????

Thank you so much for your help!

Lt Col Cox

RE: Forum Rules and Guidelines -- Why?

LtFuzz said:
1) where do I find the thermostat?..........

Follow your upper radiator hose to where it enters the block - should be some "shoulder-looking" fitting there held down by a couple of bolts. Your thermostat will be in there. It's nothing but a heat-triggered valve - a plate with a spring. Very simple to change and very inexpensive.
Re: RE: Jeep History Site--great pics

its a little more complicated to check the throwq out bearing,its part of the transmission
As for the oil in the airfilter, remove the line from the valve cover to the air cleaner, at the aircleaner. Make sure this line has vacuum sucking fresh air from the air cleaner back into the valve cover. If it doesn't, then the PCV system is likely clogged and running in reverse.

Find the small vacuum line from the valve cover to the intake or carb. There should be a plastic splice in the line. Pull this 2-way splice apart and you'll see a very small orifice inside that commonly clogs with carbon. Clean with a straightened paper clip or the like. Let us know how it goes.