Finally a rear with 4.11


New member
:D I had recently changed my front R&P from a 3.07 to a 4.11 and this weekend I swaped the rear ones, got a donor from a junkyard '86 4 cyl cherokee, everithing went very very smooth exept for the fact that I'm a little worried about tha fact that I might have left the carrier case to tight :( . I say this becouse the case did not go in very easy, it took a few taps with a hammer (not that hard :wink: ) and pushed it in with the race retainers, but still you cant just take it out with your hand. What are the main simptoms that would indicate that it is way to tight!!??? will it eventually wear and loosen up (hope sow :twisted: ):?: ... if the it does not show any foults at all and works fine, can I install a ez-locker on the rear (its a Dana 35) without having to remove the case again (couse I dont have the proper removal tool)??? what is the proper method to remove the case anyway :? ... Thanks a lot... any good lies that would ease my worries would be great.... :)

dont worry about the little love tap with the hammer. i have had to put carriers in using the same method. it is the relationship between ring and pinion that is the main concern. you shouldnt have to remove the carrier to install an easz-locker as it is a lunch box stlye lockers, replacing only the carrier gears.( axle gears and spider gears). hope this helps ya a little. i am sure someone else can provide anwsers to your ??? soon enough.
great, good news, but how about the bearing load, if its to much (not that tight) could it over heat and eventually brake down and stop my jeep at 60mph rollover and kill everyone inside??...... :( . Kinda paranoid o what.... :shock: Later on the weekend I'm going to take a nother look inside, any thing I should look for??? Thanks a lot...
dont worry about the bearing sezing..the load on them shouldn't be that great. :D did you pack the bearings with grease before putting them in...

yeaa , a hole lot of grease, enough to think it was to much :D . or shoud I have not done that? :? , any way, today I lifted the rear and supported it safely , turned the engine and let it ride in the air. there were now notiseble sounds or skeaks or thumps or nothing... I think thats a good thing rigth? :p Thank's for your help...
sounds like everything is working ok then...after i changed my bearing i tested it by going :D
well if nothing goes wrong or noisey till the weekend problably will go 4whealing :D , promise to bring back some pics .. Thanks for all your help...

by the way is it normal for my diff to be hot :? (not unbearebly hot but still pretty hot ) after a 15 mile cruise?? never notised before so I cant really tell if its normal... :?:

yes it is normal. after i replaced the carrier gears in the danas 35c it was somewhat hot for the frist week. now it is just warm too the touch.
Ok, great, promise this is the last question!!! :D , Ive been really thinking about a rear detroit ez-locker and have researched a bit, how true is that on manual transmitions sometimes the locker makes you sudenly change lanes couse?? will I be better of with a lincon locker :( (except for the tire wearing) and ,if I do a lincon locker on the front can I still shift into 4wd on the fly??? well thats 2 questions.... :) .. thanks...
i have yet to run a locker in the dana 35c so i cant help you there. as for the front i think weilding it would be a good idea ONLY if you had a way to disconnect both wheels fom the axle shafts. for example lock out hubs.

for the rear..i know many people who have weilded the rear and it seems to work well for up to 33 inch tires.( anything more than that is too much for the axles to handle) there will be some chirping and new driving charactoristics tho...if it isnt your daily driver weild her up :D if it is go with an automatic locker.


Since it is my daily 40 mile driver :D I guess will go with the autolocker,
kinda was hopping to save a few bucks but sometimes cheaper things are more expensive!! besides the lane shifting I think is nothing a little safe driving cant fix... Thankyou very much for all your help, se you on the road, God bless...