First Grandchild


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I just want share with everyone my first grand daughter. Born on Dec.23rd 9lbs 7oz. :-)


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:shock:WOW!!! what a BEAUTIFUL granddaughter!!! :shock:

I don't know much about granddaughters but I will say after SIX grandsons, it's always a thrilling and exciting event. Pretty soon she'll be Jeepin with gramps! CONGRATS!!!!

Congratulations Grandpa Mikey!! That's a beautiful looking baby! I'm going to coast this weekend to see my new nephew born last night.
Congrats Mikey! She is a Doll! Now you can start spoiling her to death, feed her alot of chocolate when she gets older to get her hyped up and send her home at the days end. :lol::lol:

Congrats "Oupa" Cherish the moments of holding her. They grow up so quickly.
Congrats Mikey! She is a Doll! Now you can start spoiling her to death, feed her alot of chocolate when she gets older to get her hyped up and send her home at the days end. :lol::lol:
LOL, i've taken possesion of a 14" stainless steel mixing bowl and dedicated that for chocolates and other sweets for Cameron. My daughter wasn't too happy about it.:D
Thank's ya'll!!. She's a sweetheart and don't cry much. I enjoy spending time with her even though she sleeps most of the time around my arms except when she wakes up hungry, then i hand her over to my daughter :D.
Mucho congrats!!!!!!! I always wondered what was left in life after you raised your children the best you could, and then.....suddenly.......GRANDCHILDREN!!!!!!!!!! Kinda like "all the benefits and none of the mess"!!!!! Of course, as life plays out, that theory goes to pot. But I see the look of a loving Grandpa in those pics.......and I know the feeling!!! Our next thing to look forward to is............GREAT-GRANDCHILDREN!!!!!!! Life is good!!!

Again, congrats! She's a beauty!!!!