First JEEP stitches!!!


New member
RE: 3.5" RE Flex Kit vs. 4" Skyjacker Standard Ser

Just wanted to share with you all my first trip to the emergency room thanks to the TJ!!

So last weekend I got antsy and needed something to wrench on, so I sat staring at the Wrangler in its parking spot......... hmmm thought I, what can I do with about a $30 budget......... I know, I can reshoot those faded roll bar pads and bikini top & tonneau cover!! Napa auto here I come! :lol:

Bought some black vinyl paint (4 cans because I knew I would find soemthing else to shoot!
Painted the above mentioned items, then decided I am not a huge fan of "spice" colored interior.... I'll paint the center of the seats black.

Pulled the passenger side out Tuesday night, taped er' off in the kitchen and shot the center, pulled the masking off and man, that looked tight!!

So yesterday I go to tackle the drivers side..... this is where the story unfolds.........

3 bolts out, one more to go..... but this ones frozen like nobodies business......, leverage, thats what I need on the 1/4" drive ratchet, so I bust out a 3/4" deep socket and slide it over the end of the ratchet and put all of my 195lbs into it............ any idea where this is going?
All of a suddent "sssuuuunnnnaaaaaappppp!" My full fist with at least 250lbs of pressure behind it (i gave one of those full body thrusts) goes deep inside the bowels of the seat frame as my right eye socket goes charging for the corner of the console.

Stunned for a second, I did not really react as my eye was hurting and my hand for some reason was stationary, would not move from under the seat. So I investigate. Bad move.

If you are squeemish skip this next paragraph!

So the pressure of all my weight sent some portion of the steel seat frame about an inch and a half into my right hand, or should I say my hand 1.5" onto the seat frame. :shock: Just in between my pointer and middle finger. So I ripped er' right back off and did the old part science experiment, part damage assesment thing and realized I could see my actual knuckle joints and tendons....... can't be good. The "penetrating wound" (as they called it at the hospital) was large enough to lay a dime in, comfortably!

But I am a duct tape and tissue kinda guy, so I got the opinion of two of my neighbors and they both agreed I should with no uncertainty get it put back together.

So after reinstalling ALL THE BOLTS back into the seat, I drive myself to the hospital. The whole way getting more and more angry at the fact that I have no insurance, and this is going to cost me my new Trail Rack I was going to pick up next paycheck!!!! (the thought almost made me turn around a few times on the way to the emergency room!)

So anyway, 11 stitches later I was back home finishing my project!

Summary of my story:

4 cans of NAPA vinyl spray paint: $32
1 Replacement seat bracket bolt: $1
11 Finely placed stitches: $389
Cost of not having an all spice stock TJ interior: PRICELESS!

Thanks for reading if you made it this far, maybe ya'll can share your knuckle bustin' stories!!


p.s. Got a shiner out of the deal too!

RE: SOA with 4" lift springs - Good or Bad??

LOL, I'm glad your okay. Why don't you like the Spice interior? I like it. What I hate is the grey interior.
I'm suprised you actually typed all that with a busted up hand! I've had a few close calls but nothing like that! Good story,

Hey wait, I have gray interior!! :evil:
Sweet!!! Slicey slicey... Did it hurt horribly? I'm guessing from your optomism that it's gonna heal well, but I'll bet it looks totally hideous...

No major Jeep related ouchies here, save a metal punch to the eyebrow, and a goose egg knot on the noggin when someone startled me while I was under it...

Glad to hear you're OK, wounds always interest me, in case you were wondering about my initial reaction :)

mingez said:
LOL, I'm glad your okay. Why don't you like the Spice interior? I like it. What I hate is the grey interior.

Its not that I don't like it, it was just too much! Needed to break it up a bit!

If I could figure out how to post a pic of what the seats look like now (minus the blood!) I would! (actually I took a picture of the wound pre-hospital run too!)

Of course for what this whole darn thing has cost me now I could have gone with a brand new set of seats and saved a role of masking tape!!
Saurian said:
Sweet!!! Slicey slicey... Did it hurt horribly? I'm guessing from your optomism that it's gonna heal well, but I'll bet it looks totally hideous...

No major Jeep related ouchies here, save a metal punch to the eyebrow, and a goose egg knot on the noggin when someone startled me while I was under it...

Glad to hear you're OK, wounds always interest me, in case you were wondering about my initial reaction :)

Sadistic Saur, truly sadistic!
I love it! :D

I will be disappointed if I don't get a decent scar out of this one!
Fender Flare Remnents??

Saurian said:
Sweet!!! Slicey slicey... Did it hurt horribly? I'm guessing from your optomism that it's gonna heal well, but I'll bet it looks totally hideous...

No major Jeep related ouchies here, save a metal punch to the eyebrow, and a goose egg knot on the noggin when someone startled me while I was under it...

Glad to hear you're OK, wounds always interest me, in case you were wondering about my initial reaction :)

Here ya go........ sicko! :D
(pics a little fuzzy)
(and the top is back off again, this week was terrible in Oregon, i just got sick of wiping off the inside of the winshield to see earlier this week! I know a true jeeper would have just flipped it down!)

Some pics from yesterdays finger and todays Jeep!

Re: RE: First JEEP stitches!!!

The seat looks grand, and your finger looks cool! But painful...

I got 12 stitches for a lawnmower accident, that wasn't fun...
RE: Rusty

Saurian said:
The seat looks grand, and your finger looks cool! But painful...

I got 12 stitches for a lawnmower accident, that wasn't fun...

Trying to use it as a hedge trimmer never works man..........
Re: RE: Re: RE: First JEEP stitches!!!

But the mulching action makes it so easy, no bits of shrub to pick up :lol:

RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: First JEEP stitches!!!

Saurian said:
But the mulching action makes it so easy, no bits of shrub to pick up :lol:

Star Wars

lol sounds like your jeep kicked your butt. i think you can leave your top off for a couple of days this weakend is supposed to get up into the uper 70s this weakend here in portland. what hospital did you go to. ok so heres mine, short but sweet. i was wrenchin' on the engin of a ford curiour (dont laugh...yet) i was in the middle of loosening one of the head bolts and low and behold it was stuck. so i give it one of them body check type things and my hand slips off the ratchet and the 2nd knuckle on my index finger on my right hand heads strait for the teeth on the flywheel. so i sliced that knuckle open to the point ware i could see what looked like bone, blood dripping off the end of my finger. so what did i do about it. i washed it off with some water and slaped a bandaid on er. so i guess you could say that ford POS bit me, and lemme tell you thay have sharp teeth lol.
RE: Star Wars

jeepless20 said:
lol sounds like your jeep kicked your butt. i think you can leave your top off for a couple of days this weakend is supposed to get up into the uper 70s this weakend here in portland. what hospital did you go to. ok so heres mine, short but sweet. i was wrenchin' on the engin of a ford curiour (dont laugh...yet) i was in the middle of loosening one of the head bolts and low and behold it was stuck. so i give it one of them body check type things and my hand slips off the ratchet and the 2nd knuckle on my index finger on my right hand heads strait for the teeth on the flywheel. so i sliced that knuckle open to the point ware i could see what looked like bone, blood dripping off the end of my finger. so what did i do about it. i washed it off with some water and slaped a bandaid on er. so i guess you could say that ford POS bit me, and lemme tell you thay have sharp teeth lol.

Top came off again on my lunch break........ and of course it DOWNPOURED right after!!! I have to go out with a towel before I leave work and sop some of it up.......................... again!
Its off for the season now. The soft top is NOT going back on.

Good bashing story...... I ended up at Legacy Maridean, just down the street from my place....... I wanted to suck it up but it was gaping

RE: Creaking noise from front end?


"This was the unkindest cut of all. That's why I'm stucketh on Band-Aids, and Band-Aids are stucketh on me!"

Julius Caesar (Act 3, Scene 21)


Shakespearean Gadget :wink:
Inspector-Gadget said:
"This was the unkindest cut of all. That's why I'm stucketh on Band-Aids, and Band-Aids are stucketh on me!"

Julius Caesar (Act 3, Scene 21)


Shakespearean Gadget :wink:

Damn.... that almost brought tears to the eyes, well said my freind..... well said!
Re: RE: Re: RE: Star Wars

OMG !! :shock:
That is all I can say WOW - I had a HORRIBLE NIGHT HORRENDOUS DATE !! And this here story kinda took my problems away ... I know you probably don't care to hear that LOL but Thanks !

Dawnie said:
OMG !! :shock:
That is all I can say WOW - I had a HORRIBLE NIGHT HORRENDOUS DATE !! And this here story kinda took my problems away ... I know you probably don't care to hear that LOL but Thanks !

Anything to help out a Jeep Chica! :lol: