Forum rules and guidelines

Just wanted to give you guys a "thumbs up" on this. Too bad we have to have them, but it's a safety net when you have to take some action. I think the most important rule is respect. Whether a member has one post or 1000 posts, they deserve the same amount of respect, and mostly around here, they get it.......unless we're talking about that Surrey drivin', Jessica Alba stealin' Mingez guy.......I had my eye on her first!!!!
Re: RE: Re: RE: Adventures in the Gadget Cave

Na-uhhhhhh! Daz my girl.

Seriously though, I think it's important to note that we haven't lost any faith in the self-moderation that this site has enjoyed for most of it's history. But we realized there was no doctrine to "bite on to" when we feel someone is being out of line.

It's only fair to warn newbies of the tone we enjoy on this forum...otherwise how would they know with all of the crazy 4x4 sites currently on the net.
A BIG thumbs up to whoever started this site (Terry?) and all those who shortly joined and made it what it is. The best Jeep site on the net (much, much searching.....wound up here!). Noobs need to know the "previously unwritten" rules. Main rule, as has always been, is USE COMMON SENSE!!!! "Can't we all just get along?" :lol: :lol: :lol:

interesting rig of the month

I have to agree wholeheartedly with the attitude of the many of the members on this forum. Why cant we all just get along? It makes it a much better experience for all if there is no flaming and that you show respect to everyone else who uses this forum. That is the reason why when I found this forum I stayed on it instead of the many other ones that are around and why I'm sure that many others use this as well.

I also have to give a very big thumbs up to the moderators who created this guidelines and to everyone on this site who follows them and makes it a great experience to come on this site. Keep it up!
Mingez did a hell of a job creating them, and the rest of us critiqued with some small changes.

Let's keep in mind that there are no wide-spread problems, we all just thought it was time for something in black and white. Look at it as maturing, and nothing more.
I'd like to give a big shout out to all out moderators and administrators on this board... Those rules have been enforced, and enforced well by both the mods, and users of, long before they were actually written down. That's one of the reasons that I have stayed as long as I have, and keep in mind, you're reading the words of a major social recluse here. We all have to put up with too much crap, at work, at home, or just out and about, to come online and have to deal with it too...

If anything has ever been said to me, it's always been in good fun, and whether I agreed with the opinion presented or not, I always acknowledged that fact. We are a community here, and are there for everyone else, be it jeep problems, or personal problems... I've gotten a couple PMs and an other communication or two that helped to pull me out of a dismal bout of depression that I have been struggling with for over 2 months. That's the kind of thing that is made of...

So, I agree, leave the flaming and smut to the other boards... I think we have plenty of fun with things the way they are, we don't need it here...

Just my thoughts, you know me, I do like to ramble when I get thinking about something :wink:

Si Quaeris Jeep Website Amoenam Circumspice...
If you seek an amiable Jeep website, look about you :)

I agree with the folks here. I have always felt at home here and appreciate the work of the Sys Admins and Mods. This is a fine bunch of folks, always ready to help and give encouragement to the new guy/gal.

Thanks to all who participate. Keep up the good work.

Re: RE: Re: RE: Adventures in the Gadget Cave

Ditto from me. Excellent job putting together some difficult rules and guidelines. Cudos to all Mods.

Don't you guys think that we should probably put them somewhere more prominent than on the Forum Related pages? I really doubt that a new person would go there first. They will probably just go to the tech or general forum to post their question. Our 'newbies' are either experienced forum users and would have no need to go there first or they are inexperienced with forums and probably wouldn't think to go there at all. Just my opinion. Maybe it could be integrated into the sign up page so they are directed there to "Read This First Before Posting". Or make it a sticky on the General Page. I know we all hate stickys but one or two aren't bad.

Just my thoughts guys. You know that 'someone' has to stir the pot. Keep up the good work.
Re: RE: Re: RE: Adventures in the Gadget Cave

I think a "Sticky" post at the top of each forum would be best. Then they'd see it no matter which part they went to. And you could have a link there from the sign-in page, also. Maybe you do....I haven't had to sign in for several months!

RE: Not the U-joints but...

I agree, these are great but maybe could work better if they are more visible. To help out in the family friendly atmosphere, I will try my very best to keep the H and Double O word out of my posts in the future. :lol:

Thank you for all the work of the mods to make this place the best website for Jeeps!

LadyJeepFreak said:
I agree, these are great but maybe could work better if they are more visible. To help out in the family friendly atmosphere, I will try my very best to keep the H and Double O word out of my posts in the future. :lol:

Thank you for all the work of the mods to make this place the best website for Jeeps!


Heck and Poop? :shock:
RE: interesting rig of the month

Now Sparky. It's one WORD! That would maybe be HOOP? You know its one of my favorite personal assets.. I mean topics on this forum. Anyway, I won't say it anymore! I'm a respectable lady! :lol:

LadyJeepFreak said:
Now Sparky. It's one WORD! That would maybe be HOOP? You know its one of my favorite personal assets.. I mean topics on this forum. Anyway, I won't say it anymore! I'm a respectable lady! :lol:

Oh, hehehehehehe.......gotcha!! :lol:
Re: RE: Re: RE: FYI. Law in Florida says you can take the do

I think maybe a link or copy of the text should be submitted somehow when users first sign in/register.

Maybe even a check box, something like:
"I have read, understand, and agree to adhere to this Forum's rules and guidelines"

I thought Sticky at first too, but this may be a better idea??? Okay, maybe the checkbox is a little much but you get the idea.

Good job folks and nice writing Mingez ;)
RE: THrottle body spacers?

I think the checkbox is a good idea, not because anyone would really read the guidelines, but by having checked that they did, they can't say they weren't warned beforehand if they are ever slapped with the iron fist of Mingez.....or would that be the Pink Glove of Indecision?