Four Thousand One Hundred and four Members.


New member
Jeepz just past a milestone and we have 4104 members. That is a bunch of jeepers, want to be jeepers, past jeepers, and just passers by. Think about all the combind knowledge that has past this way over the life of Jeepz.

Now what would it be like to have all of them signed on at one time and all trying to post and do the jeepz thing at one time? To be able to ask why is my jeep acting like this and to have over 4000 jeepers ready to come to you aid.

Poor ol Terry Mason would have to go on a vacation and relax for a while. This all started as someones idea! I am not sure how or who all was in the planning and set up stage. What was the reason in the first days and did you ever dream there would be such a great bunch of folks following the thread stater long ago?

I guess the point of this post is to stop a second and Thank Terry for all he has done to give so many of us a place to set and growl about jeep stuff. Glad to see it grow and have always been proud to ba a part in a small way.


Terry has put together a great site!I was just digging up some old posts and reading about when hit it's frist 1000 members.It's amazing how fast this site grew in popularity.Thanks alot Terry for sticking with all of us jeepaholics and keeping this site going.

Tug, don't fool yourself, you are a BIG part of the Jeepz family!!! I couldn't imagine it without you buddy!

I posted awhile ago, that sometimes I think we take this site for granted. Other sites (jeep sites) don't have near the comradery that this one does.

It has become a very big part of my life, and I appreciate all of you for advice, jokes, entertainment, debate and so on... :eek:
We sure have some characters on this site. From good 'Ol Tug to Dingus. Snitty to Sully. PAsmoker, XJNick and Bounty. Thank you Moderators!

Witty folks like Johnny, 3L33TJ33P, Gadget, make all of us laugh on a daily basis.

And our Gal Quotient has gone way up too!!! From Wicked cool Laura to Our lady in Maryland. Cali Girl and Purplygirl.

And of course, we'll never forget Josh Higgins.

The geography has grown as well! Our Boston, NY, and Maryland "chapters". California, Texas, and Colorado "Chapters". And lets not forget that we are international with our Canadian Friends.
And the countless others I have come to know as my friends. I appreciate my Jeepz-PEEPz!!!

Thank you Terry for settin' this up!!! What a great place to be. :wink:

Yes, this site is so good that my girlfriend gets jealous! I would like to see the "most members online" go above 14 though, you think we could do it with 4000+ jeepers!
Engine swap advice needed

It would be interesting to hear from Terry as to what his goals were when he set this thing up and if it has progressed the way that he thought it would.

In the olden days before the internet and bulleting boards such as this, it was much harder to get info from people that had the knowledge and experience that you can find when you put over 4000 people together. In my Bronco days when I needed a new transfer case, tires, etc I just had to ask my buddies and they usually didn't know more than I did. If you asked the 4wd shop, they would just recommend whatever they were selling.

Here you get a variety of people that have tried different things and know what works best and what doesn't. And thanks to you guys, I am on the way to adding some quality mods as time and money permit.

Three cheers for JEEPZ and those that make it happen! :D :D :D :D :D

Yeah... Terry.... if you to read this... let us know what you think on it all.... did you expect this sort of outcome, better, worse? A big thanks goes to you my man... and to the rest of you... i give a big thanks to all of you as well... every member here is a part of what it has become
Just out of curiosity, why don't we ever hear from good ol' Terry? Terry, if you read this, keep up the excellent work. I am proud to be here and always refer Jeepers here.

Now if only I can figure out how to use the reader's rides page!!! HEEEEEEELLLLLPPPPPP please :wink:
well just being a new member last year, I read and pay attention to all the advise and tech tips everyone gives, it is a hell of a site and I for one hope it stays around for generations as my two boys and Warrior's son will learning about Jeeps from everyone on this site as we take off on our first year on the trails. My sixteen year old already told me he wanted a Jeep so he can go out on his own and does not have to be a rider......Keep up the good work everyone I enjoy this site better than any of the other Jeep sites.......Thanks :lol: