Four Wheel Drive & Oil LEak


Unfortunatly,most older Jeeps have been worked on before we get them and a lot of the time you find customizing (Mickey Mousing) It just takes time to redo all of these items and regain that relialibity (You will get there). If you have lines that seem to go nowhere, at least temporarly make sure they are pluged off. Vacuum leaks are no fun. For help you can purchase a manual at your local parts store for about $10.00, go to the library and photo copy the pages you need or find another local Jeeper and copy there setup (Providing it runs right) Once you get everything put back where it belongs, your Jeep should Hum.[addsig]

I have the engine vacuum diagram for my 1989 YJ 4.2 automatic.
Might be close enough, if not the same.
If that helps, e-mail me and i'll send it to you.[addsig]


Morgster the engine diagram would be great. . . the steam/leak is
not coming from the coolant, it is coming from below the air cleaner,
around where i replaced the PVC hose. . .

It is like a cartoon, out your finger on one leak and another one sprouts up!!

Ok. You first need to determin if it's engine coolant, or motor oil.
Green(Usually) and sweet smelling it's coolant. Brown and probably burnt smelling it's oil. If you are finding coolant on the passenger side under the air cleaner it could be the heater hose that goes to the firewall. If it's from the driver side under the air cleaner. Maybe a gasket or freeze plug. If it's oil, well that doesn't steam.It coild be oil leaking down onto the exhaust and smoking. If your motor is excessifly dirty and you can't see the leak, run it to the quarter carwash and blast away. It's tough trying to find a leak without seeing it first hand. As always, Good Luck.[addsig]

Just wanted to share:
Years ago a friends daughter brought her car to me for help. She said "It makes a Kinda Bump Bump, Hummm, Click Click sound the last few times I got in my car and I can't figure it out. But then it goes away" Well I looked and looked and couldn't find anything. She came back and started to drive away and shouted"It's doing it again".

It was a song on the cassette deck.(True story)
I'm still laughing.

Ya know she married a doctor and lives in the big house on the hill.
Boggles the mind[addsig]