front end adjustment


New member
after putting a lift on do you need to spin front axle to get proper pinion angle? a couple people said " you have to use the cam adjusters on control arms and level out the front axle" others say no. any idea????? 4.5 lift

For 4.5" of lift you should have aftermarket control arms. If not, you should get some. If you do, they are either the proper length to correct the pinion angle or they are adjustable to do so.

What type/brand of lift is it?
Iron rock off road is the maker of the lift kit. not many sell a 4.5 inch lift with aftermarket arms and they all say that you dont need them. 4.5 inch lift is max with stock arms.
4.5" is too much lift for stock lower control arms, but to each their own.

IF you have the cam bolts in the LCA's to adjust caster, you want to run them all the way out so the bottom of the axle is as far forward as possible. You want correct caster, and correct pinion angle will follow.

will this couse problems in front or on both axles? could this be a big cause of steering problems lots of wander? should I get adj arms for both or are the lowers the only problem?
will this couse problems in front or on both axles? could this be a big cause of steering problems lots of wander? should I get adj arms for both or are the lowers the only problem?
yes, yes, both would be best.

The reason they are the only ones selling those kits without arms is because it's a bad idea and everything is now out of alignment.

If all the other companies could make a 4.5" lift and sell it without arms as a base kit for cheap don't you think at least some of them would???