Fuel tank ????'s

60 Biscayne

New member
I think I should have bit the bullit in the beginning and not tried to keep my 89 tank and rig up an external fuel pump & filters / regulators etc..... now I think I'll have to install another low pressure pump to feed the Hi pressure pump because it pushs out faster than it can suck in............ it starts surging / making noise - Damn!!!!! The new motor sounds fine when initially started & runs nice for a while than it to starts to lope etc.......
I think I should buy a 92-95 Fuel tank with the pump in the tank like it should be!
One question, if I go this route with a new tank - has anybody rigged up one of these aftermarket Sunpro Fuel Gauge senders?
My gas gauge never really worked right & I'd like to correct it while I'm at it!
Thanks - Oh does anybody have a fuel tank & stuff laying around that they would like to part with???????????
I dont think you can ship a used fuel tank... Traces of explosives (gasoline) will get you in trouble (I would guess).

They shipped mine from seattle to portland ups. no prob. You dont need the tank..just the sending unit/pump.
They shipped mine from seattle to portland ups. no prob. You dont need the tank..just the sending unit/pump.

Pardon my stupidity but I'm getting more and more confused as I'm becomeing enlightened! I think......
I questioned a guy selling fuel tanks & he said there is no difference between an 89 & a lets say a '93 or a '95 soooooooooo this means I can put a Hi Pressure Fuel Pump in my stock tank - RIGHT?
Next Question or Problem and this is why I asked a question earlier if a 2002 Wrangler fuel tank would fit in a 1989 Wrangler to which somebody said NO - No reason given ie: to big, to long, to etc...... just NO!
My mechanic said I need a late model fuel pump like the 2004 which the engine came from because the 2004 does not have a return line on or from the fuel rail like earlier (93's etc.) 4.0's have.............. right now he had to weld close the return line from the filter/regulator we have rigged up inline after the external Hi Pressure Ford pump.
Would a late model ie; 2002 or 2006 pump mount in my tank?
Nah that would be to easy or make sense - Right????????
Confused but some Good News! I ran the Jeep home from the garage approx 20 miles away up & over a nice size Mountain - ran like a champ!
Google is great. Customized Wiring Tech » Blog Archives » Jeep 4.0L Fuel System

The 4.0 needs 45 psi. This article says the regulator for your year engine is in the tank. Older 4.0's had them in the fuel rail with a return line to the tank. The way I see it, you have two choices, get the pump/regulator/sending unit from the newer Jeep or swap your fuel rail for the older style. IMO the fuel rail swap would be easier, but I'm not sure if it is a direct bolt on.
It makes sense that it would drive fine going down the road, because it is using fuel thereby not allowing it to build up over 45psi. If you have a 75psi pump with no regulator on a 45 psi system, at idle, something is going to give. My guess is going to be a hose clamp or o-ring.
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FYI make sure your using FI fuel hose and dont use plastic fuel filters. The pressure to too high and will blow out both. mpi is alot higher than tbi or carbs. Also you need a tank from a yj....that said you might be able to use a newer pump and make it work with the yj sending unit. but like rooster said it might be easier to just make what you have work, unless it;s not working.
IIRC the '87-'90 YJ's used a metal tank, most if not all were 15gal. '91-'95 used a plastic tank and all were 20gal, with the 4cyl tanks having a fill tube that extended into the tank to limit it to 15gal. I'm not sure on interchangeability of fuel pumps/sending units over those years.

I'm with RR, I would likely run a '91-'95 tank and sending unit, and swap the fuel rail out for one with a return line, and pressure regulator on the fuel rail.