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Just swapped straight 6 w/ a 304 in a CJ7. Ran for awhile, then started to act like it was out of gas & die, would start after a bit, but die again shortly after. Installed electric fuel pump right next to fuel tank, still not getting any fuel to the fuel pump!!


My 77 7 304 has a fuel return line. You didn't connect your pump suction to this line my accident did you ?

Any way you may be outta gas ? Fuel does evaporate when standing for a long time.

Could your e pump be bad outta the box ? it does happen. You didn't connect the hoses backwards did you ? Inlet to carb & outlet to tank N like that ?

Do this :
Disconn your connections to the e pump.
Turn on your ignition and listen for the pump to run. Put a finger over the inlet fitting and you should feel it sucking.

OK ? Great!
The sucking fitting connects to the tank.

connect it up and run the pump again and see if fuel comes out the discharge fitting. No ? Try connecting to the other metal fuel line on the frame.
Fuel now ?

If still no, the metal fuel line may be clogged with who knows what.

Blow air into each line and listen at the fuel filler with cap off.

Fuel line you'll hear bubbling as the fuel pickup is under the fuel level.

The return line is near the top of the tank and all you'll hear is air blowing inside the tank.

Office supply places sell an aresol can full of CLEAN AIR for blowing dust off of computers. Sometimes it's called a DUSTER.

Couple of bucks. 1001 uses around your shop. You're workplace probably have some in the office supply cabinet. Go look.

Good luck!

Checked my connections, all are good even had a friend double check. Fine on Gas just put another 8 gallons in.
Took electric pump back & exchanged, checked connections, still nothing!
Blew air- no blockages!!
I am still stumped!

did u say you installed the e-pump next to the fuel tank? i dont know if this will help, but my epump is mounted on the drivers side, front fender well, as my tank is under the drivers seat! maybe the pump is trying to push the fuel to far, im running two fuel filters, one from the tank to pump, one from pump to carb. might try a bigger pump!


My fuel system is designed to be sucked from the front, so trying to push fuel that far might be the problem.