Funny picture thread!

Please furnish us with a criminal background check and work history so we know what type of person we are dealing with. Goodness. there are children that visit this site .

According to my company , state, and federal laws I cant give you my complete background information. That also includes my work history.

But as to stealing time from the company, while I am at work, this place is recorded 24 hours a day so my boss knows when I pick my nose infront of the cameras. And since I am the only one here....
So you feel that it is perfectly justifiable for you to entertain yourself on the computor while in the meantime your company is paying you dureing that slacker time. If I was paying you to do a job, and I find out your goofing off on the computor, out the door and down the road with ya.

P.S. All this bull,over a photo.:funny:

You see all of our computers are not connected to the internet. Its not allowed, I coming to you via phone. While I have three machines running, I am getting paid to sit on my tail bone and harrass you. That means your taking this harassment for free while I am getting paid to dish it out.
So now you are openly admitting to harassing members of ?:shock: Some one needs to confiscate your gavel.

Look what the cat dragged in

Didn't get a pic, but was a bit shocked today. Coming back home found a Volvo parked in the dirt shoulder in front of the property. Then i saw a middle aged woman walking around looking down/around. Pulled in to the driveway and stoppped. Walked out to see what she was doing. She was down at the end and was dropping trou-pants. (getting ready to leave something). I yelled "hey this isn't a public rest room". All of sudden she starts pulling up with the granny panties, I turned and walked around the corner to give her a chance to get it together. After about 1-2 minutes she drives on by. I get it i'm out in the country, but broad day light??? Town (restrooms) are only about 3 miles away..

Didn't get a pic, but was a bit shocked today. Coming back home found a Volvo parked in the dirt shoulder in front of the property. Then i saw a middle aged woman walking around looking down/around. Pulled in to the driveway and stoppped. Walked out to see what she was doing. She was down at the end and was dropping trou-pants. (getting ready to leave something). I yelled "hey this isn't a public rest room". All of sudden she starts pulling up with the granny panties, I turned and walked around the corner to give her a chance to get it together. After about 1-2 minutes she drives on by. I get it i'm out in the country, but broad day light??? Town (restrooms) are only about 3 miles away..
You could have waited till she got started then came out of nowhere, spinnin tires, kc lights on, blowing the horn and screaming.
You could have waited till she got started then came out of nowhere, spinnin tires, kc lights on, blowing the horn and screaming.

That would have been worth takeing a vidio of. And deserving. If you're out in the country, She could have gone somewhere else besides in the end of your driveway. In the woods beside the road is usualy my preference.

Ie: explosive diarrhea? "When its running down yer leg.... and ... it looks like smeg..... Diarrhea..... Diarrhea".... Everrrry..... body now... " when its running....
Here's a couple carvings I found at a tourist shop on my travels.



  • ForumRunner_20130718_173711.png
    548.9 KB · Views: 545
Turns out the guy never had a bomb, his explination for pulling this stunt that got him some sereous jail time "I wanted to be famous"
