Funny picture thread!

Seriously bro


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It's not a typo. It says flickering. What were you reading?...
At first glance , the "L" and the "I" looked joined together to form the letter "U" . Now I hope I'm the only one who saw this , but I take responsibility for my own thoughts. Was wondering what Utah_Jeepster 's thoughts were ?
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At first glance , the "L" and the "I" looked joined together to form the letter "U" . Now I hope I'm the only one who saw this , but I take responsibility for my own thoughts. Was wondering what Utah_Jeepster 's thoughts were ?
That's the point of the joke, clown. Will you ever stop with these long winded apologies and get a sense of humor?

That's the point of the joke, clown. Will you ever stop with these long winded apologies and get a sense of humor?

Grrrrrrr,Grrrrrr, big dog, down, down ,I say. Turn on the Fukering lights, tis the season to be jolly.
That's the point of the joke, clown. Will you ever stop with these long winded apologies and get a sense of humor?
Ok , got me good again . I guess I was on the same page after all . Great joke though . Thanks .
P.S. - I think GENNYBRO is waiting under the mistletoe for ya !
Was wondering what Utah_Jeepster 's thoughts were ?

All pure and saintly.....made a deal with santa, I only need to be good between Halloween and Christmas, and I still get gifts under the tree. And I had to promise to stop taking my .50 BMG out Christmas eve and doing some aerial deer hunting

Grrrrrrr,Grrrrrr, big dog, down, down ,I say. Turn on the Fukering lights, tis the season to be jolly.

I think I will look for these lights . I would love to tear the price off so the cashier can ask for a price check over the P.A. !
All pure and saintly.....made a deal with santa, I only need to be good between Halloween and Christmas, and I still get gifts under the tree. And I had to promise to stop taking my .50 BMG out Christmas eve and doing some aerial deer hunting
I can see it now . Santa's sleigh , with about five police SUVs and vans , all with cops in tactical gear and m4's while dancer, pranced, donner and dixon are ventilated . Utah_Jeepster , sporting a bandolier of .50 cal. stating, " Christmas isn't coming this year ". I'm so glad they met your demands . That a boy !
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Ok , got me good again . I guess I was on the same page after all . Great joke though . Thanks .
P.S. - I think GENNYBRO is waiting under the mistletoe for ya !

I don't know man, with this tiger, I would want full body armor before she even got close.