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Lol!!! ^^^this guy^^^
gennybro said:I have nothing but desrespect for senseless killing. If I'm not gonna eat it, I'm not gonna kill it. Killing for personnal safety is an exception to that code of conduct.
ralavoie_417 said:When I was stationed overseas we used to run over crabs that were all over the road. We didn't eat them, but we couldn't avoid them. Sorry,![]()
superj said:thats what i hate also. i stop, honk, drive in the other lane, or whatever to avoid running over animals and birds.
i remember one time i was driving from lake livingston to onalaska texas, where we lived. i was cruising in my 76 buick regal with my little brother, windows down and radio up. we see a little brown squirrel running down the side of the road next to us, just keeping pace with us and we laughed at how funny it was. suddenly he made a 90 and cut in front of us and all we heard was a thump. we stopped and went back and he was laying on the side of the road with his feet kicking, like he was still having a nice run. i guess he tried to cut across in front of us and hit the tire and it broke his poor little squirrely neck. he looked so cute when he running next to us and it made me feel so bad that he was dead now.
i really hate when people hit animals for fun or shot birds. i never see people do that when i have a pellet gun in my hands, oddly. i guess god is keeping me out of trouble in that respect.
we have three squirrels that live in our palm tree. they are hilarious. they jump form the palm to the oak tree and then to the power lines. the cats think they are going to catch the squirrels but i just don;t see it happening because hte squirrels keep their eyes open anytime they are near the ground and they have a little code noise for when the cats are around, a little funny barking noise. so once one barks, they all put their tails up and watch out.