Gear rolling over a spring?

Smoke Doc

New member
I have had my 91 YJ for 2 years now, and it has been making the sound in the thread title... I have checked the the front end joints input shafts pulled the cover on the front end changed the fluids, checked the breaks, and shocks, noplay in hefroun end. still have the sound coming from the front end. Does not make the sound till it has been driven for 30 to 45 min. Only makes the sound at low speed turning right or left. Anyone had anything like this?

Thread title...? I've only had CJ's 5 thru 8...what is a thread title?

Trac bars have been removed, checked shocks worn but seem ok. The sound, maybe a bearing with a ball missing. don't have any play in the steering, doesn’t pull left or right. Only may the sound after driven for a while. Then every right or left low speed turn after turn no noise. Thanks to all for the help!
Replaced the ujoints front and back. I have had the front tires off the ground don't seem to have slack in the axel joints. Tires have no cupping or uneven wear. It is a weird deal...