Geez... And I thought this area was safe.

Good to hear it, I haven't been paying enough attention to the forums lately to realize that you had moved.

Heres PA's deal:

It’s not the worst that I've seen, but I'm always wary when there are provisions for the government to seize your firearms, or prevent their transportation, during an "emergency." Especially when it only has to be an emergency according to a "governmental executive" whatever that means.
Sparky, any word on what the requirements will be for the CHL. Here in Texas, you have to take a 10 hour course, pass a 50 question test and then qualify with your weapon. None of it is hard at all. You actually start firing at 3 yards, 15 and 21 yards. The test was pretty easy too, multiple choice and true/False. I think it cost around 140 for the state license and 70 for the class. I have heard in some states all they do is a background check and the CHL is yours.

KrazyJeeper said:
Sparky, any word on what the requirements will be for the CHL. Here in Texas, you have to take a 10 hour course, pass a 50 question test and then qualify with your weapon. None of it is hard at all. You actually start firing at 3 yards, 15 and 21 yards. The test was pretty easy too, multiple choice and true/False. I think it cost around 140 for the state license and 70 for the class. I have heard in some states all they do is a background check and the CHL is yours.

Funny as that sounds Utah falls into the same category, I have had a CCW for 12 years while I was living in Arizona. There it was 16 hours class and a day on the range.
Utah's CCW has left me wondering if we are arming the loonies to protect the idiots. 4 hours of class and a optional shooting test...only if you want to shoot though. I have had my Utah's CCW permit for 5 years now.
My first class in AZ we spent all day learning the letter of the law of when you can and cant draw your weapon. And in that a peeping tom is not a direct threat to you nor your family and shooting him WILL land your tail in jail.
In that situation you should call the police and get him charge with trespassing. If you confront him you can be charged with assualt...sounds stupid doesn't it? And a judge will tell you that as well, saying you placed your self into this situation hoping to this person some bodily harm.

Your only hope is that he makes some threatening gesture to wards you or your family thus giving you rights to say I was in fear for my or my family's lives.
*NOTE* Defense of a third party law can be tricky to defend against since your placing yourself into harms way, since you yourself was not threatened in any shape or form.

As the police officer told us many of years ago don't wash the side walk after you shoot the clown and drag him back inside...we are not stupid...we know what a wet walk way means.
KrazyJeeper said:
Sparky, any word on what the requirements will be for the CHL. Here in Texas, you have to take a 10 hour course, pass a 50 question test and then qualify with your weapon. None of it is hard at all. You actually start firing at 3 yards, 15 and 21 yards. The test was pretty easy too, multiple choice and true/False. I think it cost around 140 for the state license and 70 for the class. I have heard in some states all they do is a background check and the CHL is yours.

The way I understand it, there's a background check, $150 permit fee, 8 hour course, but not sure of range course. I've carried concealed for roughly 20 years without a permit (though not very often), and have never had to draw my weapon on a human anywhere outside my house (did have to take out a rabid skunk in the timber one day). I have used my gun to protect myself and my family in my house quite a while back, with fatal and very messy results. I'm not proud of it, I didn't enjoy it, but I would do it again in a heartbeat.:!:
Wow... in Indiana, all you have to do for a CCP is pass a background check... and it only costs 25 bucks (10 to the local sheriff and 15 to the state)


WOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They successfully overrode the veto!!!!!!!!!! CCW law goes into effect on July 1!!!!!!!!!
Sparky-Watts said:
WOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They successfully overrode the veto!!!!!!!!!! CCW law goes into effect on July 1!!!!!!!!!
There is hope for this country after all!!!!