girl + jeep

Did any of you guys used to watch M.A.S.H.? Her sig reminds me of the line that the shrink used in the farewell episode. "Don't be afraid to pull down your pants and slide on the ice". Or something like that.

jumppr said:
"Don't be afraid to pull down your pants and slide on the ice".
I've done that but I won't get into details of the circumstances.
Re: OT- First Miltary Funeral

Too much testosterone oozing around here for me. You drive a Jeep, that's good enough for me.........I don't give a crap what you look like, your heart's in the right place.
mud4feet said:
Too much testosterone oozing around here for me. You drive a Jeep, that's good enough for me.........I don't give a shite what you look like, your heart's in the right place.

Mud, now that's just crazy talk!!

Heart-shmart, show me the bootie.

RE: Shackles

mingez said:
Heart-shmart, show me the bootie.

OK but its not that preatty....


97jeepgirl said:
I have 2 jeeps and a girl I have an 85 cj and 97 tj love them both. Wished my husband was into jeeps like me!!!
Desperate housewife, re-defined!

Okay you might be a career woman but I couldn't resist.
What is it worth???

97jeepgirl said:
I have 2 jeeps and a girl I have an 85 cj and 97 tj love them both. Wished my husband was into jeeps like me!!!

I cant say I have ever heard of this situation before. :?