Great News!!

Thanks again for all the kind words. There is now a third page of pics in the first message I posted to this thread.

He's improving daily and they're weaning him gradually from all the support he's on now. Hopefully tomorrow he'll be able to get a feeding tube and get his first bit of breastmilk, at 9 days old.

Keep them prayers and good thoughts coming and I'm positive Evan will continue to improve. God Bless.
Herculining the tub

Really great to hear he's doin' better, Bounty. It really is a scary thing - all the tubes and tents and what-not that they put on little infants. But hang in there (sounds like you are)!! Before you know it, you'll be out there with him lookin' at Jeeps!!!! (happens much faster than you think) Hope Mom is doin' well, too!

Your friend on the "z",


BTW - you aren't any kin to the "racing" Unsers, are you??

I am so sorry to hear of Evan's continued hospital stay. It is so sad to see him in all those tubes and wires. I can't imagine you and your wifes concern.

I will help pray that he continues to get better and get over this hump. They can do amazing things today with babies, I have faith that he'll get through it.
