I had the rad go out on my 97XJ last year, I called all over and got answers from the rad I WANTED was no longer available to it would cost me $265 to yeah can get for $418;
I went to Advance ordered their "Heatbuster" for $190; it was what I wanted; copper/brass instead of plastic/alum; and 2-row instead of single row. lifetime warranty, and American made!!
I could buy those alum/plastic POS' all day long for $99-129; across the counter for the XJ; NOT at all what I wanted..
problem whenever I called the rad shops instead of parts stores for a quote,was that they were all reluctant to just sell me the radiator; all wanted to put in FOR me; at substantial extra cost over the numbers I listed above;
I have replaced the one in my TJ twice now; and I was quite ****ed the last time, that the rad the guy got for me not only wasn't American made, it's KOREAN!!!!!! and "only" a 2 yr warranty! and I even requested USA (or even canadian) made...... I have had that TJ since Y2K; and hope I can hang onto it for at least another 10 years. but I won't be happy if that means a new radiator every few years. what's wrong with wanting Made in USA? but when you get it, you pay a huge "penalty" for buying product made where we all live. it should be the other way around.