Gum Smackers and Teenie Bops in Jeeps


New member

Ok we all see em, and know em. Daddys little man and the seet darling gals who had the good sence to ask for a Jeep for the 1st ride. Some of us seem to hate em! Ok I see the point of a waste of a good Jeep. I have a vidio shop gal who works in our town driveing around in a 2002 TJ and it looks good (Jeep that is)
So I ask her do you know about the Jeep wave? No of corse, but she has noticed many other Jeep drivers waveing but she had no clue! I ask her about off roading and she has not but really wants to! I ask her if she would like to go on a planed ride sometime with other Jeeps in our area. She seems really wanting to go, and planing to wave at the jeeps she passes. Seems all these Smacker and Bops need is a bit of coaching and they to will learn what the expensive toy they own is all about. So please share the brotherhood to the young (sometimes not so young) and unwise in your area to make this great sport better for all. Keep on Jeepen! Tug[addsig]


There seems to be that growing fad of teenagers and their "ultimate convertibles" everywhere. Most, as you said, haven't been told about the wave and don't know what the short shifter is for. If more people join the family, local clubs will grow, and more trails will stay open.[addsig]

Doin' my best around here, but everytime i take the money pit to the car wash after a day on the trails, these people don't want to get they're jeeps dirty
All are stock, and most people (including me before my first wheeling trip) don't know how well a stock Jeep will preform off road.[addsig]

Always try to educate, great job on the iniative there man
. Nothing worse than Jeep elitists that only wave to certain models or certain drivers or whatever kooky criteria they concocted
. Hell, I was driving the wife's KJ already and waved at a stock TJ....guy just gave me a WTF look
. If I see him in my TJ, he gets a wave from me, just one finger this time


<TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font class="pn-sub">Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT class="pn-sub"><BLOCKQUOTE>or whatever kooky criteria they concocted

I only wave to Green Jeeps with lifts made by companies other then Skyjacker on even number days that have two or more dents![addsig]

<TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font class="pn-sub">Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT class="pn-sub"><BLOCKQUOTE>Dang your tough to impress there Bobj

Not really, just give him something shiny or a ball of yarn and he'll be occupied all day


<TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font class="pn-sub">Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT class="pn-sub"><BLOCKQUOTE>Not really, just give him something shiny</BLOCKQUOTE></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><HR></TD></TR></TABLE>

Funny, that's how they got me into the YJ... "Here's the nice shiny key.. no go drive some where"...

So Bobj is easy to impress and Drake knows him well enough to know that. What I have found from this is People have more Fun than anybody. And this guys seem to have as much fun as most. Thanks for the laughs. Tug[addsig]

<TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font class="pn-sub">Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT class="pn-sub"><BLOCKQUOTE>>>Dang your tough to impress there Bobj

Not really, just give him something shiny or a ball of yarn and he'll be occupied all day

Yeah, or just give him a piece of paper that says "Turn over" on both sides.


Thanks for what initially began as a support to the teenyboppers/gumsmakers in jeeps. Although no longer a teen, I am a new jeep owner...and got it because it looks good, is fun to drive, and it inspires camaderie. However, I also noticed the jeep wave is not as abundent in college towns like mine (Tucson, AZ)...and although I ask no one seems to want to go out 4-wheeling. Perhaps they think it is a pickup line??? I've only gone out four times myself...and would welcome information on any clubs in my area (Tucson, AZ). Thanks!!

Well welcome to the wide world of jeeps and yes they do look good and birds of a feather do flock together. We do need to support each other in this effort but more so we need to teach people what the short shifter is for and when to use it. Keep asking but look for older jeeps in the yj and pre yj classes. Look for mods and mud! Car washes are a good place to find folk that use their jeeps in the wild. If it is really clean and pretty they most likely will not venture far off the pavement. Sad but true! Do not give up in reaching out and if you want a off road friend you will get lucky if you keep trying. Tug

Ever noticed the girls that drive jeeps only drive TJ's and nothing older? I call TJ's sorority jeeps now. I own a YJ and I'm a teenager but I wave to jeeps and use it for what it's made for. My jeep was covered in mud within the hour that I got it. I have noticed only a few people around here (Raleigh, NC) wave to me after I wave to them mostly because everyone around here drives sorority Jeeps and liberties, no offense to you TJ owners who know what a jeeps for.[addsig]


I live in a fairly big city (Tampa) and alot of the people that drive jeeps dont wave, but i do everytime and im a teenager and my first car is a jeep 95 YJ and i use it for what its made for. i take it mudding and offroading all the time and i performs really good for a stock jeep and im planning on buying another jeep (CJ7) to fix up and take that one offroading instead on the one i have now. and when im driving through town covered in mud people and even some jeep drivers look at me like im crazy and like Jeepster05 said and i said before girls drive TJ's and dont wave.



speaking for the teen crowd (im 18) we're not all that bad. all the kids around here throw up the wave, and all the girls i know who drive daddy's rig love it. They love to ride w/ me in the woods, but ive yet to see them take theirs...[addsig]

So Extreme is back with the anti-TJ girl anti-waving sentiments...what is the jeeping world coming to?!


Quinners, i've come to this conclusion from my experiences with women that drive TJ's so you can eiher accept it because its true or you can ignore it because you think otherwise. either way im still right. yeah what is the jeeping world coming to? more women driving TJ's?



Although you are most certainly entitled to your opinion about TJ's, I don't think a person could be more misguided or more biggoted tword those of us driving the TJ. What could the problem be if some of us want to drive around in a newer Jeep. Is it possible, that there are those of us who want to take our Jeeps running through the woods and mud, without going through the time and expense to crawl over big rocks. I'm not trying to offend the rock crawlers, they do what they want, and have fun doing it. I don't appreciate being called a "girl" because I drive a stock TJ. It's what I enjoy that counts, and you who share the same opinion as that chuckle head, just suck.
I'l put my stock TJ out in the woods against your stock YJ, and I bet we'll both be able to do just about the same level of obstacles. Douche

POOOOLeeeeaaassseeee people people....why can't we all just get along? So yeah a lot of girls and teens drive TJ's. Why? Because they are nicer inside, offer a smoother ride, safer (airbags) and have anti-roll stuff. I drove one and I was like hot damn...this is nice. Not like my bumpy ol YJ with plastic dash but still outdated separate gauge design. Those things are really nice. If you are one of those ppl that think that a nice interior and sleeker look takes away from the "jeep" feel than a TJ is not for you. Get a CJ or a YJ. Another thing...a modified TJ is very very badass on the trail...those guys with their coil suspension and control arms can get over and through way more stuff than our leaf sprung rigs could ever dream of. So please don't bash ppl that have TJ's....this crowd is more for....a jeep is mean't to go offroad and rock crawling and stuff like that. The TJ's were meant for that but also for a nice on road vehicle too. Chrysler was looking for a compromise....and the TJ is a damn good one. Personally if I could have afforded to buy one, I would have one now.[addsig]


<TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font class="pn-sub">Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT class="pn-sub"><BLOCKQUOTE>Ever noticed the girls that drive jeeps only drive TJ's and nothing older?</BLOCKQUOTE></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><HR></TD></TR></TABLE>

My girl friend's first car was a '95 YJ.. she's currently looking into an older Jeep, probably an early '80s Wagoneer...

I know a girl who owns a YJ Renegade... I've gone with groups that have had girls driving YJs...
