Gum Smackers and Teenie Bops in Jeeps


girls only drive TJ's? that's a pretty dumb generalization... all the girls i know drive YJ's, not TJ's...[addsig]

All Jeeps were new at one time! TJ's will be the old beaters of tomorrow! I wish I had a TJ to plush around in I wish I had a rough and tumble old CJ to kick around here in the hills. I am glad I have a YJ that untill the TJs came out caught all the junk with the square head lights and all. Jeep is ever changeing and will be ever changeing untill there is no more jeeps. The kids drive jeeps both sexes and that is because Daddy and Momma bought them what they ask for a New Jeep. It is all good, the only point I was trying to make in the start here is teach the young to be responcewable members of the jeep brother and sister hood. They know not what they are doing! Thanks Tug[addsig]


<TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font class="pn-sub">Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT class="pn-sub"><BLOCKQUOTE> yeah what is the jeeping world coming to? more women driving TJ's?



I sure hope so!!! More women with the best Jeep ever made... who could ask for anything more...

As to you... people who are too dumb to set up a forum signature make me

I've noticed that they all drive YJs...

How's that for a generalization...

I picked up a TJ when the time was right for me to purchase a Jeep. I was going to a while back, but when jeep sold out and went to the square headlights I figured I'll wait it out and pick up a jeep when they wake up and return to the round headlight look.

Of course the addition of coil springs and improved dash was a plus too

I kinda prefer my dash over the TJ's. I have a YJ, but my bro has a '99 Sahara. It's awesome. If there are any old school Saturday Night Live fans out there...there was a skit advertising a car so smooth that a rabbi was performing a circumcision in the back seat while cruising over potholes. I'm convinced the TJ could be used as a stand in. It's amazing on and off road...smooth, powerful, agile. I love my YJ, as PAsmoker guessed about the comparison of stock TJ's and YJ''s true. Before I modified mine, I conquered the same terrain as my bro did. One fact of history is that everything improves over time. Eisenhower was quoted saying something to the effect that the Jeep was the most important weapon of the war. How much has the image of the Jeep changed since then? Performance? Not much on the image or style, but the performance is HUGE. The modern Jeep is based on the original...and the modern one, which ever (insert next letter here)J will always be on the cutting edge of offroad performance, for a relatively affordable price tag. There's no winning the pissing contest...just have fun and enjoy this planet...and please don't throw cigarette butts on the ground...and if your friends do...smack them...really hard...


the best dash ever were the cj series......plain. no crap, no nothing, but then again if i owned a "fc" they would most likely be the best jeep ever.....what im gettin at is whar ever jeep you you happen to own is "the best" even though cj's really are

the best dash ever were the cj series......plain. no crap, no nothing, but then again if i owned a "fc" they would most likely be the best jeep ever.....what im gettin at is whar ever jeep you you happen to own is "the best" even though cj's really are

I only wave to TJ's CJ's and YJ's and lifted wj's or xj's. I got tired of the what the *&#@ are you looking at looks when you wave at the soccor moms in the wj's. [addsig]


Extreme YJ - greetings from Lakeland, Fl. Ya' ever go out to Sand Key area of Clearwater Beach...some little sand dunes and hills to play on...nothing too crazy, but the cops don't seem to care or screw with you. There's some fun stuff by the Museum of Sceince and Industry (MOSI) too. I'm probably heading to the beach this weekend - or the other alternative is heading to the Ocala National Forrest - hit the Jeep trails up there and camp out for a night or two with some other friends with Jeeps. I'm sure there are enough of us in this state to put together a kick ass weekend... If there are any interested parties...let's do it. I know you're not too far away there Raven...[addsig]