Heating Problem?


New member
Well I finally got my CJ7 out on the trails this past weekend after installing new gears (4.10) and a rear OX locker. And, as I was driving through the mountains in Colorado my jeep started backfiring like crazy and running pretty rough, I looked at the temp gauge and it wasn't too hot (about 1/2-3/4) but I pulled over to check it out. I let it cool down and checked all the fluids and everything else I could think of but it was all fine, I opened the gas cap and the tank was so pressurized that it started spewing gas all over. This same thing happend to me twice more over the weekend, but if I let it cool down 5-10 minutes it would run perfect.

I was planning on flushing and filling my radiator (using some of that additive that says it makes it run cooler) , replacing my thermostat, replacing my stock fan with a fex fan, and maybe running an electric fan as well.

Any other ideas, or am I missing something? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Pull the radaitor and take to a radaitor shop for an inspection and presure test. May be pretty cloged up if it is the orginal. 24 years of nasty ol coolant runing thru it. That is after you do the thermostat and other stuff. tug