Hello From Africa


New member
Just found your site, seems great and will keep on visiting. Have had my jeep for a number of years now and as there are no dealerships or off-road centers here I have no option but to do all and any upgrade myself. I find these forums a great resource
welcome to z, why are you there?

Had the Luck?? to be born here! Been contracting for a number of years in central Africa as well as in the UK. One good thing is the amount of off roading that is available, very little rules or regulations and since it is summer down here and the wet season the brick fields are a great place to play.

Hey ZIMGERALD, I just got back from wandering around Kenya for 6 months last winter. I loved it there. Hope to make it back when it isn't for work.
Hey Tony! I have not been that far yet, furthest north I've been so far is Tanganika, but otherwise have worked and lived in Zim, South Africa, Namibia, Zambia, Mocambique, Tanzania, Botswana. I am planning another trip up to lake Tanganika in July (you should see how loaded the Jeep gets then) try and catch some of the bigger Nile Perch. The Jeep has been a loyal (if somewhat fickle) companion on most of my travels, brought it with me from the UK when I came back to Africa a couple of years ago.
Hey Gerald welcome to Jeepz.

I thought 4x4ing was a begotten life style in Zims except for the few South Africans brave enough to venture Norhtwards onone of their treks. Are there still fuel shortages?

Zims must be one of the most beautiful countries in Africa,

You would think so, but the safari industry here is still fairly robust, both in the consumptive (hunting) and non-consumptive sectors. South African's do come but not in that great a number. That said, the road network outside of the major arterial routes and centers is deteriorating very quickly so that a high clearance vehicle is almost essential for daily life. There is still a lot of off-roading around, visiting any of fantastic the wild life reserves dictates the use of 4x4 especially during the rains.

Fuel is generally available and since the local currency was abandoned last year (the US$ is now the defacto carrency) the inflation rate has dropped to single digit. Fuel currently costs about $1.30 per liter of petrol (so it is a major concern when driving my Jeep)
Thanks for the posts. There are very few wranglers here (TJ or YJ) but there are sooo many of the newer upmarket Jeeps. I was at the only dealer in the country yesterday and they had only seen 4 wranglers in the last 2 years!

There are quite a number of the older CJ types from before the war, (quite a few MBs as well)