Help My 88 Wrangler Carb


New member
I Have an 88 wrangler with a 32/36 weber carb.....It will not idle....i thought it was in the timing, the plugs, wires, distributor, etc...I believe it is in the carb....the fast idle is seems to idle in park ok but not is when i put it into bogs down to low rpmsand runs rough....If you have any suggestions please help....frustrated

I don't have an answer for you but have a similar problem with my '88. Mine is a standard and it idles down and stalls...not sure what kind of carburetor I have...similar thing, I changed wires, plugs etc. Also thinking about fuel filter but can't find one...if I find something I'll let you know.
What both of you described is a very common thing with Webber carbs. The work great if they are adjusted perfect. If you are just slightly off it won't idle. The first thing I wouls check would be to make sure you don't have a vacuum leak anywhere. You can spray starting fluid around the base of the carb and it if the idle speed picks up, If it does there's a leak. Other than that I know there is a thread on this board about adjusting it better. Search and you might find something.
I checked all of my vacuum lines.....I was thinking that the jetting might be wrong...float assembly not quite right?????what was you saying about a thread on this board about adjusting it better??????
I guess I have the Carter carb because I went to the "How to" section at this site and found a procedure for taking care of the problem. Disassembled it as described and now I am in business. Still not perfect (yet) but at least now I may have a chance to set the idle and time it. Anyhow, when looking in the carb and moving the linkage I only had one jet of fuel. Once I did the procedure and cleaned everything out I got two jets and enough fuel to idle. Not sure if you can apply any of this but at least in my case I did figure out it was a fuel issue. Also found my fuel filter and replace that! Many thanks to this site for the help!
I was tuning on my carb today and i took a small screwdriver and pushed down on the float as the jeep was running and it seems to run better when I do this. Does this mean that the float is set too high? Or does this mean something else????