
New member

I just got a hold of an 87 yj 4.2L with no mods that I'm looking to get running smoothly again. I have the typical engine kill when I stop that I'm working on that I've found so many other people with the same problem. Looking for some help with that as well as a couple other this.

I've found info on the engine die-out, but my main issue is a bad pulse air system. Both air control valves are bad and the one I was fortunate to get hold of to replace went bad because I didn't realize the check valves were bad too. So it screwed those up. Can I remove the whole system and still be emission legal in california? Are there mods to replace it (new exhaust system?) and keep it legal, or is finding replacement parts the only way to save my chance of passing a smog test.

Please help me out. . . I'll be checking this daily for you help[addsig]


CA rules are as forgin to me as french! Sorry man! tug[addsig]

I think for Cali your best bet is to separate your garbage into 5 different recycle bins and find a Pro exhaust shop to make you legal. :-D Sorry I can't be of more help. [addsig]


I lived in Cali for awhile and that has to be one of the most comunist states I've ever been to. I'd go to an exhaust shop like mentioned above who gives inspections and see what they can do for you. If you start doing mods that aren't legal, your just going to have to spend the money later to make it right if for some reason you ever do have to pass inspection. Oh how I love older vehicles! I have a 66 Chevelle convertible and I dont have to worry about anything emission-wise, plus its like next to nothing to register and insure it. Good luck, and I feel for you! [addsig]

california, emissions insanity and testing...

Pray, Act and Write to your Represenitives
or it very well could... YOUR State..

New Friend ,,, hate to tell ya'.
But Jeeps have to Run different,
in your "Neck of the Faults". :-D

L33Jeep, Montana , and our Friend the 'Fireman'
have your answer, beat me to it,,,

ALL things are worth doing right the first time.
Somethings are worth paying for someone to
help,,,, who does it every single day.

Best of luck out there in the Californiay...:-D



where im from we dont have those tests.
so would it possible to bypass that. any links.[addsig]

I lived in Cali for way too long and just moved 2 weeks ago. As far as smog you will have to have all of the original emisions parts just to pass the visual part of the test. If you can find a shop that will turn a blind eye you might stand a chance but I kinda doubt it. As you know they are extremely tight when it comes to the smog tests. Make sure that you just ask them to "sniff" it before they run the actual test on it. If you come in way high and they are running the test it will flag you as a gross poluter and then you will probably have to have the tred mill test, where they will put it on rollers and test it at different speeds. This one is not only expensive but its aslo pretty hard to pass. Hope that this might help some, if you need anything else let me know :-D [addsig]

Copy RockWranglers, your Former Californian,
advise,,,, MOVE... Ha HA..:-D

Keep everything STOCK.
and MAINTAINED to Emmision Standardss.....

For as long as you live in the "Great State of Faults"

OR , network on the streets and trails, you will
find someone with an inspectors license willing
to teach your 'states' specifics.

Jeep Well, and Start a state cell. :cool: [addsig]