Help Rescue A Dog - Donations Needed Please!


New member
Ok here's the deal....As most of you know I'm stationed overseas at Camp Arifjan, Kuwait right now. There are quite a few stray dogs runnin around on the base and when they are caught they get euthanised. Well, since I'm a big dog lover I find this quite tragic, but it is a necessity over here since they do have to keep the spread of disease down and dogs and cats runnin around feastin on garbage is a sure fire way to spread it! I've contacted a local rescue organization here that says they can get the animal off base, all of it's shots and on a plane to the good ole' US of A, but as you can imagine it's quite expensive. The woman told me that it would probably run close to $1200 American to have him sent on a plane unaccompanied. This is why I am asking for donations. I know there are a lot of you who probably love your dogs as much as I do mine and probably wouldn't mind donating a few dollars to the cause. I'm not really hoping to get enough to completely cover the cost, but just enough to help bring my cost down. Would any of you be interested? If so, I can have my wife set up a bank account in the dogs name that you can deposit to. I'm not tryin to scam any of you out your $$$.
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Awwwww... you bastid! Now I gotta help cause that dog is pretty freakin' cute.

It might only be a couple of dollars (I'm a student again) but I'll give something.

Details on the how/where porfavor.
Jump, yer an alright dude.....if you can take PayPal, I'm in for a bit. Even though America is overcrowded with dogs already, I still can't stand the thought of them putting that dog down without giving it a chance. Guess that's why I've got a dog.....and currently have 9 cats! I'm too much of an old softy.
I'm in for a few bucks. I can send at least $20, maybe more. I'm sure there are a lot of people here that would be willing to send a $10 check to you. Or more!

Just let us know where to send it to bro.

I am in.

I will forward this along to my family as well, who are all HUGE dog lovers.....

Tell Oreo to stay away from United Airlines though, their customer service wangs, heck, he would only get a beverage and bag of chips on such a flight!

I can paypal some $$, you should consider setting up an account. Probably the easiest method of getting online donations. Only requires an email address and a bank account.
I'm in, with this menagerie that I live in right now, there's no way I could justify not doing so...

Will the dog get home before you or about the same time?
Thank you all for your help. My wife has a paypall account and I'll have her get on and post her details. For those of you who want to send checks I'll give you my address. She also started a bank account too so you can send money via your online bank billpay feature.

I'm really hoping this works out, but for some reason if it doesn't I want to fully refund everyones money. So if you'll please send an email to us with your name and how much you donated I'll send you a check.

I'll have my wife get on here in a little while and put all the important info up to see.

Thank you all again!
90Xjay said:
Will the dog get home before you or about the same time?

He'll have to have all of his vaccinations for at least a month before he can be sent home. That means it will be July before that can happen. I'll be home around the end of October. My wife will pick him up at the airport.

That's cool of you. That dog will have a story that most other owners can't top!

Keep us posted on the paypal.
I have a local ABC station intrested in doing a story and or contacting a local Fresno station to get the word out. PM me with some more info and contact info, maybe we can get you and your dog on Good Morning America.:!:

I also just hung up with a local Dog Rescue place.

They are on top of this and are beginning to make some calls to see what they can do to help you and Oreo.
Hey everyone! This is Jumppr's wife wth the info for donating to save Oreo. First of all I have to say that I am SO impressed by all of your willingness to help this dog. It honestly says alot about what a great group this is. THANK YOU THANK YOU, from me, from Jumppr, and from Oreo!!

If you can Paypal your donation my email address is That is all you will need to send the donation. PLEASE be sure to include your information in the payment as a note. If we arent able to bring Oreo home we want to be able to refund your donation. If you have any questions feel free to email me or just contact the hubby.

Thank you to all of you for being such a caring and giving group!!
You two are awesome!!! Just sent a lil' something your way.......

Oh, and 90? You da man, too!!! Good work getting those other agencies and media involved!!

Awsome you guys, get the word out and let's get Oreo home!

Mods, can you make this a sticky until this is resolved?
Thanks TC!
How far are you from Eerie? I've visited there a few times. My mom was born in Youngstown, Ohio and moved to Eerie with her family for a few years when she was a kid.

Have you had a chance to talk to the public affairs officer yet?