Here we go again.


New member
I replaced the fan motor and the relay on my 03 grand cherokee about 3 months ago. that was the problem and it was fixed. now I have been having problems again with the jeep getting hot with the air on and at a stop light or parking spot at an idel. This is the same problem i had before. I turned the veh. on with the air and let it get to temp. the fan is not running again so i am assuming that the relay is bad again. WFT how can this go bad so soon? Is there any common reason why this relay would go bad so soon. My game plan as of now is to go back in there and sand down the screw holes to make sure i am getting a good ground and then if that doesnt work i plan on replacing the relay again.

any help is appreciated.

If your reffering to the radiator fan relay, the causes for it to prematurely burn out are lack of surface contact to the back of the relay( i would use a dielectric grease between the body and the relay) or an exessive amp draw from the electric fan module. I would replace the fan module along with the relay and make sure to apply some dielectric grease under the relay.
yea. i replaced the fan motor at the same time as the relay last time. I however did not clean up the mounting point as much as i could have i guess. i will make sure to do it this time;
so the temp gauge is working... how' the coolant... ?? have you had it tested....?? or replaced... every have the thermo stat replaced....? the coolant senser is behind the pass head light.... you might have checked these... but wasn't written....

Ok so i checked the relay and it is working. The connection for the fan is what is acting up. if i touch the connection it works for a little bit and then stops, touch it again and it works. Where do i go from here. I pulled it apart and put some electro grease on it but it still doesnt help.
I would suspect that the connector pins have already been damaged by the heat. My suggestion is to replace it with a similar or better connector from a Junkyard. With a little skill to solder the wires, you should do just fine.