Hey how old is everyone in here?

Candle Pin Bowling??? We have bowling with small pins in Maryland, it's called Duck Pin Bowling. Our jimmies are sprinkles for ice cream. Brown bread is served at outback and othe fine restaurants and brown eggs come from chickens! LOL

Interesting thread!

Lady :roll:
dick_wilderness said:
Moabe: Be cool man. Everyone here is nice to eachother. So relax bro. :lol:

Besides it takes more energy to be mad and angry, and I don't know about you but I'm pretty lazy. :wink:


wow.. this post went quite far very fast... 7 pages already
moabe said:

Ok, man, I can appreciate good sarchasm as much as anyone. I'm a master at it myself, but all these folks are trying to tell you is to try to keep this place good natured and clean. We get into debates all the time (especially the cj-yj-tj thing) and yes, if you look hard enough, you could catch most of us stepping over the good-natured line, but usually someone said something to them (or me) afterward to remind us of what makes this such a great site. Don't take it personal, heck I got all upset over a debate about stinkin' oil for pete's sake! So dude, keep it clean, play nice, or go play somewhere else. There's plenty of web for that!

Wow. Most people here seem to be in the early 20's. Now I feel old.
now that i think of it... i don't think i've ever told my real age to anyone here... i may have.. but i don't believe i have... not that it matters at all

Electrical wires ?


Thus far, forty-nine responses with a definite age.

Average age:...27
Oldest:.............46 (Excludes me -- by a long shot -- LOL)
Under 19:.........07

(1) I rounded up in cases where posters mentioned an imminent birthday.
(2) I summarily declared the responses of one person irrelevant, invisible and eminently discardable.

Thanks gadget . I'm glad you had the time to gather all the info into a nice chart. I figured everybody was a lot older than what they actually are. Pretty cool to know that we still have the older more experinced Jeepers with us. -Al

You are wise well beyond your years.

It took me half a lifetime to learn not to take myself and whatever is going on around me so seriously.


Boston and east coast posts have been split to a new thread, too much of a hijack on the age thread to follow. Check it out and post over there if it's not about your age.
Inspector-Gadget said:

You are wise well beyond your years.

It took me half a lifetime to learn not to take myself and whatever is going on around me so seriously.


yes i am, but my spelllin sux 8)

Automatic login

Dood, Splitting the thread?? That isn't right. let the thread sit as it is. Sorry you couldn't "follow" it but no one else complained. Too many times have threads been "hi-jacked" to no avail, no splitting, no deleting.

Put it back the way you found it. I was actually having fun watching the post count.