Horrible Driver.

Does anybody want to bet me that the guy driving did not pay for the car?

Lets see, I suspect.

Daddy is rich.
Kid in college, not doing all that well.
Bought Jr. the car.
Jr. does not respect the car or what it can do.
Jr. wrecks car and in the process tears up 4 other peoples hard earned property.

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
you did forget one possibility. Women driver trying to show off. I wouldn't doubt it for a min. But yea it's probably some moron kid who has too much power for his own good.
o also they have a cool video on there with a lifted XJ comming out of a tunnel into about 3ft of water. His buddies aren't that bright since they tell him to cut it off, but he has a snorkle so it shouldnt be a problem.

There are some other pretty good videos on that site. :D
lol didnt mean to be offensive to you, but from personal experience women drivers have been the worst. Especially when they are trying to show off to guy friends or something. And alot of the time their not even showing off, their just "driving". Even though switching lanes ontop of other cars without looking, going through intersections when its not their turn, and stopping in the middle of the road for no reason isn't really driving i think.

RE: XJ Videos

Cherokee Guy 42 wrote:
but from personal experience women drivers have been the worst. Especially when they are trying to show off to guy friends or something. And alot of the time their not even showing off, their just "driving". Even though switching lanes ontop of other cars without looking, going through intersections when its not their turn, and stopping in the middle of the road for no reason isn't really driving i think.

DUDE! you are just digging a deeper hole for youself... your gonna get your Butt kicked.
lol hey I'm just telling what has happened to me. In Arkansas theres these ladies that drive their husbands big tahoes and trucks and they really shouldn't be aloud to drive that. I'm not saying all girls are like that, because I have a few friends that are great drivers and their girls. But I have come across my share of horrible drivers. Don't get mad at my personal stories because they are true. And theres many more, but I figured I'd only tell those. I haven't had any jeep girls be bad drivers though, so that's a good thing.
CherokeeGuy42 said:
In Arkansas theres these ladies that drive their husbands big tahoes and trucks and they really shouldn't be aloud to drive that.

P.S. In response I know quite a few men (from all states) that shouldn't be allowed to write or talk like that.




lol sorry. I didn't know you ladies were so touchy. I appologize.
RE: Parking brake cables

I did that in my Corvette once, but didn't hit anything other than the median. Stopped six lanes of traffic in the middle of town.....on Christmas eve :lol:

I've "wrecked" while playing around soooooo many times......Doodoo happens, there's not much else you can say.

jumppr said:
My brother did almost the same thing once in his Camaro. Yes Doodoo happens! Luckily there was no one around when his car went nuts. Here's a link to the video I shot of the first time he fired the fuel injected 502ci.

note: The engine that was in the car when he got it sideways was a 330hp small block. This new 502 is pushing 520hp.


Now that's what I want my jeep to sound like! Which muffler can I put on to get it to sound like that? :lol:
RE: ATTENTION redrooster

He's running a 3" dual exhuast of the Flowmaster variety, but I'm not sure which one. I do know that if I had half that horsepower in my Jeep I'd be in trouble.

CherokeeGuy42 said:
lol hey I'm just telling what has happened to me. In Arkansas theres these ladies that drive their husbands big tahoes and trucks and they really shouldn't be aloud to drive that.

Funny cause everytime I'm in Memphis I almost get run over by all the idiots in their escalades driving down the shoulder when traffic starts backing up. I'm not sure where the bigger congregation of idiot drivers is; Memphis or Dallas......
I went to MUS back in the day and mom still lives in Memphis. When I go back to visit I dream of driving an Abrams and just running everyone over. Since I can't do that I just drive 5 miles over the speed limit in the left lane. The folks in Memphis and Dallas get REALLY entertaining when you do that. :lol:
wm69 said:
..........Since I can't do that I just drive 5 miles over the speed limit in the left lane. The folks in Memphis and Dallas get REALLY entertaining when you do that. :lol:

Did you know that (now) in Florida, you can get a ticket for driving the SPEED LIMIT in the left lane?!?!?!?! They figure you're slowing things up (which you definitely are)!?!? On I-4 , 85mph. is about the cruising speed (I know....I've passed troopers in the median doing 85 -not in my 4banger, of course - and they didn't even blink).
mud4feet said:
wm69 said:
..........Since I can't do that I just drive 5 miles over the speed limit in the left lane. The folks in Memphis and Dallas get REALLY entertaining when you do that. :lol:

Did you know that (now) in Florida, you can get a ticket for driving the SPEED LIMIT in the left lane?!?!?!?! They figure you're slowing things up (which you definitely are)!?!? On I-4 , 85mph. is about the cruising speed (I know....I've passed troopers in the median doing 85 -not in my 4banger, of course - and they didn't even blink).

yeah they can pull you over here too if you are impeding traffic, but cops (I know a lot of them) said they'd rather pull over a speeder or someone tailgating; they don't care about left lane riders as long as you're going the speed limit (or a little over).
I move if no one is in the right lane but otherwise I'm staying left, even if there's a car 1/4 mile ahead that is in the right lane. I know people will bitch about it but the right lane will beat me to death with the highways in the shape they're in now (big trucks) and people drive 100 in the left lane and 50 in the right lane so since I'm driving @75 when I pull over in the right lane I have to brake and get stuck behind a creeper while the "fast" cars usually decide to slow down and take 10 min passing or there's a line of 20 "fast" cars and I get stuck behind the creeper waiting on all of them to pass. IF I'm in the left lane, no one is in the right lane, and the monkey doesn't pull 2in off my back bumper I will move. If there is a lot of traffic I'm staying left. They wanna drive 100MPH THEY can be the one to make the effort to pass. They're the ones driving at dangerous speeds so THEY can be the ones who make the effort. I set my cruise and change lanes as little as possible. Yes, I know that I AM rude, but I drive 3000 miles/month for work and I'm tired of being run over trying to be the nice guy. I'll be polite when the other driver is polite. You tailgate me I will NEVER move out of your way (unless you have your emergency flashers on). In Memphis and Dallas you have idiots weaving in and out of traffic that has 5 lanes (in each direction) at a crawl. That REALLY irritates me........they're too stupid to realize they aren't going anywhere.

lol yea I travel from the far east corner of Tennesse to Searcy, AR for school. So I go through Knoxville, Nashville, and Memphis and I get irratated when people block the fast lanes. I'll admit that I've past a few people on the shoulders because they weren't bright enough to see my lights in their rear-view. It's supposed to be a 10-11 hour drive to school and that's too long already so I try to make the best time I can. Most of the time I just stick with the people speeding through because the faster I go the shorter the trip. I try not to make it a point to lead though. Too many cops. I passed 12 cops going through Memphis on the way home at the end of school. Not fun.

One of my friends was pulled over for driving in the left lane too much. The cop said he looked suspicious lol. The cops are kinda odd about why they pull people over sometimes.

WARNING!!!! This is for anyone driving through Tennessee during the month of August. The state troopers are on this campaign to make 9 million dollars in tickets. They will pull people over and ticket them for even 5mph over the speed limit. They are supposed to pull someone over every 10 min. So either upgrade your radar detector or slow down. Just some advice to the ones that might not know.