Hot Hot Herculiner?

Running Target

New member
Been playing around with the idea of Herculining the jeep, think i want to do it in black, but wondering is its gona get real hot in the summer with the top down?

Nope, if there is any heat it will come from the exhaust warming the floor. Melted a shoe sole of my GFs once when she threw them in the back.
The only thing you have to worry about with the black are water stains...depending on where you live. My buddy has black in his YJ, and I don't know whether it's from the tap water, or the elements, or both, but it's practically grey now.
anybody know where to get the colored stuff to do it yourself? i would like to get some tan-colored. i have seen the rhino-line or line-x franchises doing colored liners.

It turns gray from the sun (UV). They have some UV coating stuff that protects it, and may even blacken the grayed stuff it up a bit, if I remember correctly. Haven't done that myself yet, but I see mine turning gray a little. I wouldn't worry about the heat; mine is fine.