how do i post pics for ya?


New member
Alright i was wondering how do i put a pic on her for you to see ...?

Also i just put a new carb on my jeep (87yj) and under acceleration i ofton get this sputter like fuel isnt getting through for just a spit second and it'll jerk you forward a little. Does anyone know what to do ??


Alright i was wondering how do i put a pic on her for you to see ...?

Also i just put a new carb on my jeep (87yj) and under acceleration i ofton get this sputter like fuel isnt getting through for just a spit second and it'll jerk you forward a little. Does anyone know what to do ??


You have to host the pic somewhere on a server then link to it.

Some of the guys here can steer you to places like car domain if you don't have another option.

Can you give a little more info on the make and model of the carb?
Is is new as in out of the box new?
What speed is this happening at?
Terry has also updated the site to post pics directly from your computer. When you post a reply (or start a thread), look for the little paper clip allows you to upload pics and add them to your message.
Attached using the "paper clip" icon:


It's about the easiest to use, but there are size limits and a memory limit.

i looked over this whole page and couldnt find a little paperclip thing ???????

The carb is a remanufatered carter and it does it at around 30 -40 mph
I looked all over this page for a paperclip thing and couldnt find it ????

The carb is a remanufactered carter and it does it around 30 - 40 mph